
Friday, February 25, 2022

A Hot War With Russia Would Be a VERY, VERY Bad Idea

The True Spirit of America Party hereby unequivocally condemns Vladimir Putin's abominable behavior, including (but not limited to) his most recent brutal rape of the Ukraine.  We agree that there is nothing redeeming about what he is currently doing there, period.  No argument from us there.

That said, it is nonetheless entirely possible to both condemn his misbehavior and still understand that a hot war between the USA and Russia is a VERY, VERY bad idea on balance for all concerned.  Or between any NATO country and Russia, for that matter.  Russia is a still very much a nuclear-armed quasi-superpower to this day, and they are also one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.  A hot war with them can easily turn VERY ugly and nuclear VERY fast, and would not be worth the cost. The same goes for any hot war with China either.  Thus, the TSAP unequivocally opposes any attempt by anyone to foment such a war, for any reason.  Period.

Unfortunately, too many people don't seem to do nuance anymore these days.  And they probably don't even know what the word "nuance" means.

And while it is very politically incorrect to say it out loud, NATO has not exactly been entirely innocent either in recent years.  There is far, far more to this complex and nuanced larger NATO vs Russia issue than meets the eye, and the roots go very, very deep indeed.  And the MSM rarely if ever tells the whole story.  We believe that the many years of warmongering and provocations on both sides is really, really stupid and dangerous, and we urge both sides to resolve this crisis diplomatically as quickly as humanly possible.  And while there are really no GOOD options currently, imposing swift and tough economic sanctions on the Russian oligarchs themselves (including Putin himself, the second richest person in the world) would probably be the least worst thing for the USA, NATO, and the UN to do.

As protest folk singer Phil Ochs once famously sang in "What Are You Fighting For?" in the 1960s:

But the hardest thing I'll ask you, if you would only try
Is take your children by their hands and look into their eyes
And there you'll see the answer, you should have seen before
If you'll win the wars at home, there'll be no fighting anymore.

Such excellent and timeless advice, both then and now.  And as Sting famously and poignantly sang in 1985, "I hope the Russians love their children too".

Saturday, February 19, 2022

How To Make Sure This NEVER Happens Again

With the official narrative having completely collapsed and the tyrants now meeting meaningful resistance from We the People, and the Covidians now cynically rushing for the exits via the Great Pivot, one thing should be clear. Going cold turkey yesterday back to 2019 Normal must be the FLOOR, not the ceiling, of what We the People demand going forward.  After all, 2019 Normal was clearly not enough to prevent these past two years of madness from happening in the first place, and we need to make sure this can NEVER, EVER happen again.  

Like, ever.  Seriously. 

Not only do we demand an immediate and permanent end to all pandemic-related mandates and restrictions, leaving no traces behind, period, but we also demand the following going forward as well:

  • Individual human rights and civil liberties must be UNCONDITIONAL and inalienable, period.  Regardless of the supposed "facts" on the ground or the "greater good" or any other utilitarian concerns.  Otherwise, they are not really rights at all, but rather privileges and indulgences.
  • Especially bodily autonomy and bodily integrity must be as absolute as humanly possible, period.
  • Emergency powers of any kind for any reason at any level of government must be severely limited in time, space, and extent going forward, and completely and permanently revoked for any "leaders" who have abused them in the past.  Any emergency powers related to Covid need to be revoked permanently at all levels of government everywhere.
  • New constitutional amendments and legislation must be put forth to explicitly spell out and guarantee these changes.
  • In other words, the perceived legitimacy of the basis for these mandates and restrictions must be eradicated completely.
  • DO NOT EVER again attempt to meet tyranny or insanity in the middle!  You will lose, guaranteed, every single time, period.
  • All of the major players in this catastrophe, both government and corporate, need to be forced to resign immediately at a bare minimum, and then must be brought up on charges of Crimes Against Humanity and tried and punished accordingly.  Nuremberg 2.0, in other words.
  • And finally, demand full reparations for all vaccine injuries, and for all damages (economic and otherwise) done by government-imposed lockdowns, shutdowns, restrictions, and mandates of any kind.  The Takings Clause in the Constitution already demands as much.
So what are we waiting for?

UPDATE:  See this excellent article by Jeffrey A. Tucker.  The roots of these emergency powers go far deeper than many people realize.  And we must end and fully gut these powers, root and branch, yesterday.  Otherwise, they will grow back.

Also see this excellent article from The Daily Sceptic in the UK.  The points in that article apply here in the USA as well.  All emergency powers must be fully revoked yesterday.   Never Again is NOW.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Its The Final Countdown!

Like the famous 1980s song by the Swedish band Europe goes, "It's the final countdown!"  The fat lady has finally sung, and it's all over but the shouting.

The two year long COVID-19 pandemic is now effectively over for the most part, the virus has become endemic, and the vast majority of people want to go back to 2019 normal.  More and more countries are ending all or practically all restrictions now, starting with Denmark, and now Sweden too (lifting what little restrictions they had before).  Much of Europe is at least starting to loosen restrictions as well.  The Freedom Convoy of truckers in Canada is clearly making an impact there as well, and provincial governments are taking note.  And a good chunk of US states are effectively back to normal.

But still not everywhere yet.  Several states and countries have yet to see the light, and are apparently maintaining or even doubling down on their restrictions.  Though as they become an increasingly lonely club, the pressure will be on them to follow the other states and countries, of course.

A new and excellent meta-analysis of numerous studies on the effects of lockdown and related restrictions on Covid mortality rates was recently released, and the results are not at all flattering to the purveyors of the narrative.  The finding was that these restrictions basically had little to no practical benefit at all (and some of the studies examined even found increases in deaths with greater stringency), and given their well-known and obvious harms in terms of collateral damage, that makes these restrictions worse than useless.  The authors thus concluded that these restrictions "are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument".

And the now-retreating Omicron variant has also completely laid waste to what little had remained of the "vaccine" narrative as well.  The same can also be said of mask mandates, as a cursory glance at the epicurves of places that had such mandates and those that did not would show, just like before Omicron too.

If all of this doesn't constitute the ultimate off-ramp to go cold turkey yesterday from all restrictions permanently and never look back, I really don't know what does.  So what are we waiting for?

UPDATE:   No sooner did the lockdown-debunking meta-analysis come out, than yet another meta-analysis came out that found (surprise!) that face masks were also effectively useless as well.  Again, the lack of evidence of benefit against the virus, combined with the known harms of forcing these things on people, makes these mandates worse than useless on balance.  No wonder so many erstwhile pro-mask politicians are rushing for the exits now!

And both Pfizer and Moderna investors are now rushing for the exits as well.  Turns out, even the manufacturer immunity (from liability) for these "vaccines" is also rather leaky as well.  These companies apparently forgot that FRAUD (if proven) still leaves them wide open to product liability regardless of anything--and the clinical trials that they used to gain authorization for their products are looking more and more fraudulent with each passing day.  No wonder Moderna's CEO abruptly deleted his Twitter account and dumped his stock.  Get your popcorn, this will get very, very interesting.