
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Donald Is Going Down

First, the TSAP would like to give our deepest condolences to the victims of the horrible terrorist attack in downtown Manhattan (NYC) on October 31.  Regardless of what was going through his head when he did it, the monster who did such a cowardly and despicable act needs to be brought to justice.

As for Trump, he basically did what he does best--exploit a tragedy for his own gain and/or to push his toxic and racist agenda.  Yes, this attack was an act of radical Islamic terrorism (by a "lone wolf" inspired by what's left of ISIL aka the Daesh-bags), and the first known one on US soil since the Donald was inaugurated in January.  But this was NOT the first terrorist attack that occurred on his watch.  There were indeed several other attacks, some of them extremely deadly (Las Vegas shooting, hello!), committed largely (and predictably) by white American males.  And many of these attacks were done by white supremacists to one degree or another.  But Trump was predictably silent about these attacks for the most part, and sometimes even seemed to be praising (or at least tacitly condoning) the Alt-Reich terrorists.  And he practically goes out of his way to NOT use the word "terrorism" to describe such heinous acts, as long as they are committed by white, non-Muslim Americans.  Seriously.

Fortunately for us all, if there is any sort of silver lining to be found in such a horrible tragedy, the Manhattan terrorist attack occurred after the ignominious indictments of his buddies Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, as well as George Papadopoulos' infamous guilty plea.  That is, what would have likely been a major rallying point for Trump's base, and even many fence-sitters, essentially came two days too late for him.  And at this point, there is really no salvaging his presidency, no matter how hard he tries in vain to "wag the dog" or sweep the ever-growing Russiagate scandal under the rug.

He has already had his Benghazi (twice), his Katrina (three times), and now his 9/11 (in the same city no less, albeit on a much smaller scale).  And what will ultimately go down in history as his own personal Watergate on steroids will make even the original Tricky Dick himself look like a saint by comparison.  And his first year isn't even done yet.

The jig is up, Donald.  Please do us all a YUUUUGE favor and RESIGN.   Yesterday.


  1. Yes, Donald, resign, but before he does, he should try to reinstate the military ban on Transgender people.

  2. I disagree, there is no good reason to ban otherwise-qualified trans people from serving their country.

  3. I will always agree to disagree. My problem is that Transgender people don't belong in the military because being Transgendered, itself is a mental disorder. It's a mental disorder being championed by Cultural Marxists who have no clue about what their actually championing. Fine, then, I care much more about other issues.

  4. Again, that is a pretty broad brush you are painting trans people with, one that is dangerously similar to what the "experts" used to say about gays and lesbians until the 1970s (and many homophobes to this day still echo). And FWIW the term "Cultural Marxism", which originally referred to a group of philosphers known as the Frankfurt School, has basically become a right-wing dog-whistle against the left in general, particularly against Jewish leftists. I used to occasionally use the term myself before I realized just how loaded and subtly tinged with anti-Semitism it has become. Looks like we will just have to agree to disagree.
