
Saturday, February 16, 2019

We Have A National Emergency, All Right--And It's Trump

Trump just made himself even more of a man without a country, if that's possible, by declaring a "national emergency" to try to force his stupid border wall to be built.  This is almost certain to be challenged and defeated in court.  Meanwhile, he clearly caved to the Democrats otherwise, yet again.  Thus, his "national emergency" is a sign of desperation and weakness, not strength.  Keep digging your own grave, Donald....

Oh, and by the way--this is literally the kind of stuff that DICTATORS do, NOT Presidents.  Abusing your power by usurping Congress' rightful "power of the purse" just because you don't get your way is absolutely NOT NORMAL in any democracy, especially when the so-called "national emergency" at the southern border is contrived and manufactured from on high by none other than the White House.

And if your are looking for the money to pay for that wall, perhaps the first place you should look is the missing $21 TRILLION (more than the entire US GDP, and until very recently, more than the entire gross National Debt) that the Pentagon somehow "lost" and can't seem to find or even account for.  To minimize it as just an "accounting error" is, albeit ironically, SO CLOSE to actually getting the point of Monetary Sovereignty.  Which is to say you could, you know, "just print the money", in your own words, Donald.  (And yes, he actually said that in reference to the National Debt in 2016.)  Trillion-dollar coins, anyone?

We never thought we would agree for once with the vile Ann Coulter, but apparently even a stopped clock is right twice a day:  "The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot".  Truer words have never been spoken.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Trump declaring a national emergency. It was the only way for Predient Trump to get any substantial money for a border wall. Migrant caravans should not be encouraged; migrant caravans should be discouraged. Furthermore, a border wall will also help reduce heroin smuggling. A border wall would also make sure that drug cartels from Mexico don't set up outposts in the U.S. from where to commit crimes against civilians, such is the case in Mexico. President Trump did the right thing in declaring an emergency, this time rarher for a logistical reason. I disagree with you on this subject, but that's what I think.
