
Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Right Way To Do Medicare For All

With the debate about single-payer Medicare For All increasing in recent months, it is important to know a crucial detail about it.  While the main thrust of the debate lately has been how to "pay for" it all, and exactly which taxpayers will bear the brunt of it, the truth remains that our Monetarily Sovereign federal government by definition has infinite money, and thus does NOT actually need any taxes to pay for it (or anything else, for that matter), since federal taxes do NOT actually pay for federal spending at all.  That is in fact a Big Lie, and has been false ever since we got off the gold standard in 1971, yet for some reason most Americans seem to not have gotten the memo yet.

Notice how nobody seems too worried about how we are going to "pay for" the military with its truly massive price tag, after all.  That is in itself a kind of tacit admission that the Big Lie is in fact a lie, and that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.  So no reason for all of this silly handwringing and harrumphing about how to "pay for" Medicare For All.

Yes, Virginia, we actually can have free and comprehensive health care for all Americans, period, with no deductibles, copays, cost-sharing, premiums, or taxes.  In fact, being the richest country in the world, we can aim even that much higher still than all of the other countries that currently have single-payer healthcare.  All we have to do is stop believing the Big Lie that federal taxes pay for federal spending.

So what are we waiting for?

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