
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Dear Donald, Stop Sabotaging The US Postal Service!

Dear Donald J. Trump,

We know you are deliberately sabotaging the United States Postal Service, which until just a week or two ago has been the wonder of the world, in order to sabotage mail-in voting and thus desperately attempt to rig the election in your favor since you know you will lose otherwise.  BIGLY.  Sad.  It is so transparent what you are trying to do, and the delays and errors caused by wilfully and unnecessarily tampering with our mail system are more than a mere inconvenience.  People's lives literally depend on the USPS functioning properly even in normal times, let alone during a pandemic.  In fact, such deliberate tampering with the mail system is literally a FEDERAL FELONY OFFENSE, as if you really needed to make your miles-long rap sheet even longer.  Seriously.

Thus, we at the TSAP hereby demand that you do all of the following yesterday:
  1. Reverse the cynical "Friday Night Massacre" firings of the top brass at the USPS, and replace the current Postmaster General with a non-crony non-campaign donor.
  2. Restore full funding to the USPS.  If your GOP refuses or drags their feet, use your executive pen to do so in the meantime.
  3. Do us all a YUUUGE favor and RESIGN. 
  4. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

We the People of the United States of America


  1. Unfortunately, there is no way President Trump will allow the USPS to function normally. The cronies at the head of the USPS will do exactly as President Trump and his election operatives order. The only way the USPS will ever function normally again is if Joe Biden is inaugurated President this coming January. It's the only way.

    1. Kind of a catch-22, unfortunately. Unless Biden still manages to win with a sabotaged postal system, that is.

    2. Our democracy does feel like it's starting to turn into a dictatorship.
