
Sunday, April 18, 2021

What The Blood Clot? The Curious Story Of COVID-19, Vaccines, and Vitamin B-12

With first the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 vaccine, and now the Johnson and Johnson (Janssen) vaccine as well, possibly linked to a rare type of blood clot, a new spotlight ought to be cast upon the mysterious problem of coagulopathy (excessive and dangerous clotting) arising from both the vaccines as well as from COVID itself.  The role of the vaccines remains unclear, while the role the virus itself has been controversial and poorly understood from the start.  And the ever-insightful Bill Sardi wrote an excellent article about his convincing theory on the matter.

We know that "cytokine storms", when the immune system belatedly gets out of control and the body basically nukes itself, can cause blood clots to form incidentally.  This can happen with severe cases of the flu as well.  Usually these clots form in the veins rather than the arteries, but strangely with COVID, they form in both the veins and arteries for whatever reason.  Whether the virus itself and/or its spike protein (the latter of which is also produced by the vaccines) is somehow causing these clots directly in the blood vessels, and/or some other factor is involved, remains a mystery.  And anticoagulants (blood thinners) do not always help matters either. 

Enter Vitamin B-12 deficiency as the possible X-factor causing this strange and mysterious blood clotting seen in COVID.  It is more common than you think, with one in six Americans being deficient, and likely many more having suboptimal levels of this essential nutrient.  And Vitamin B-12 deficiency has been linked to a condition known as pseudo-thrombotic microangiopathy that causes spontaneous blood clotting.  So what does the virus have to do with it?  Among other hypotheses, COVID may deplete B-12 and thus elevate homocysteine, while B-12 inhibits replication of the virus, and a shortage of B-12 also makes it harder for the body to produce antibodies.  So whichever is the proverbial chicken and which is the egg, correcting this deficiency with supplements (particularly in the form of methylcobalamin) would clearly be beneficial here.  Remember, due to some biological quirks not everyone can absorb it very well through their gut, hence the massive number of people who are deficient, so taking it sublingually (under the tongue) is the best way to take it.

Vitamin B-12 may also help alleviate long-hauler symptoms as well, particularly the persistent fatigue, which deficiency in this nutrient is known to cause.

Thus, in addition to Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, Quercetin, Thiamine (B1), Niacin (B3), resveratrol, selenium, magnesium, and the amino acid lysine, we can now (belatedly) add Vitamin B-12 to our arsenal against COVID-19.  And this really ought to be done regardless of whether or not one gets vaccinated, or which vaccine one ends up getting.

And for people NOT taking warfarin (a blood-thinning drug which is specifically antagonized by it, by design), don't forget about the highly-underrated Vitamin K either.  This vitamin may also be a crucial "missing link" in the connection between COVID and blood clots and bad outcomes as well, and it is also known to be a good complement to Vitamin D as well.

UPDATE:  Bill Sardi also wrote another good article recently about thiamine (Vitamin B1), and how its widespread deficiency also may be underlying the worst of the pandemic, both acute and long COVID.

Also, we should point out one glaring vaccine myth that has been busted, the "shedding" or "second-hand vax" myth that apparently started as a online rumor that has since gone, um, viral.  There is no live virus at all in the mRNA vaccines, the adenovirus vaccines cannot replicate, and the spike protein, even if it itself can make you sick in high enough quantities, does NOT replicate or spread from person to person, and does not seem to linger around very long either.  While there are a number of reasons still for concern regarding these vaccines, "shedding" is not one of them, and repeating this myth only gives ammunition to the other side, making divide-and-conquer that much easier.  Critical thinking is, well, critical.

But yes, it does appear that the spike protein itself (and the mRNA which codes for it, of course) is inherently THE problem with these vaccines, and can indeed make one quite sick.  Having that particular protein be the target will likely go down in history as one of the biggest mistakes ever made.  If you already have received any of these vaccines, be VERY careful and be sure to take plenty of NAC, Quercetin, Resveratrol, Fisetin, dandelion, and perhaps pine needle tea as well to counteract that toxic spike protein.  And don't get any booster shots either, unless your doctor says you absolutely must due to being at extremely high risk from the virus.  Even then, perhaps you should look for a new doctor!

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