
Thursday, August 26, 2021

To The 5% Nuts On Both Sides: KNOCK IT OFF NOW!

Look, at least 90% of Americans want to peacefully get back to normal yesterday.  Most of us just want to be left alone, are long past done with lockdowns and antisocial distancing, and want masks and vaccines to be voluntary for both children and adults.  But no more than 5% of fanatics on both sides are really ruining it for the rest of us.  The zealots that want to force such illiberal measures on everyone else, and also the tiny few nuts on the "anti-mask" and "anti-vaccine" (or more accurately, anti-mandate and pro-liberty) side that get violent towards innocent people who are or appear to be on the opposite side, and thus make the news, are BOTH part of the problem.

(We have a very strong suspicion that at least some of the violence is being staged as a "false flag", but let's put that suspicion aside for a moment, shall we?)

Thus, the TSAP hereby calls OUT the Faucists and their dupes:  KNOCK IT OFF.  NOW!   You are playing right into the hands of an oligarchy and technocracy that has some pretty diabolical plans for ALL of us.  Wake up before it's too late!  And as Sir Winston Churchill once said, feeding others to the proverbial crocodiles in the hopes that you will somehow be eaten last is the mark of the coward and the fool.

The TSAP also calls IN the angriest members of the opposition who seem to be (somewhat understandably) getting carried away after a year and a half of this madness:  KNOCK IT OFF.  NOW!  Civil disobedience is one thing (it worked wonders to end mandates in 1918-1919, and its effects lasted 100 years), while physical violence is another, especially when done against innocent people.  Most of the anti-mandate side is NOT deranged or violent, please stop giving the rest of us a bad name!  There is nothing crazy about not wanting these mandates forced on ones children especially, so please stop giving the Faucists ammunition they can use against all of us.  That is, please stop playing right into their hands.

Would that the 5% on both sides actually listen!

UPDATE:  The forced-vaxxers and Faucists are now openly saying that the "only path forward" is to force every "eligible" man, woman and child to get the COVID vaccines, and they even have the GALL to claim that George Washington would have approved.  He did force the Continental Army to get the smallpox vaccine, that much is true.  But he NEVER forced civilians, let alone CHILDREN, to get vaccinated.  Furthermore, there is literally NO comparison between COVID (infection fatality rate (IFR) of around 0.2% to 0.3% on average, even less for Delta, and actually less deadly than the flu for children) versus smallpox (IFR of 20-30%, 100 times deadlier than COVID, and as high as 95% fatal in Native Americans).  So George Washington, the father of our country, must really be spinning in his grave now!

But regardless of what side of the debate you are on, DON'T be a Karen or Ken/Kevin!  When you harass, assault, or cough on people you disagree with, it only makes your own side look that much worse.  Some people seriously seem to have flunked kindergarten!


  1. Notice that we did not link any articles in The Atlantic or elsewhere that purported to document this supposed violence. We do NOT want to give them any undeserved clicks! We will also say, in reference to The Atlantic article in question, that to be brutally honest, the "common good" is a sham in this particular context, and the real common good would best be served all along by following the Great Barrington Declaration strategy of Focused Protection, along with early treatment and prophylaxis. No lockdowns, masks, or mass vaccination required.

  2. Tolitharianism is the new modus operandi. Countries around the world are currently in lockdowns. The lockdowns are indefinite until a certain percentage of people get vaccinated. Elsewhere, there are vaccine passports where police officers check the vaccine status of people in order to enter restaurants. This is a deliberate attempt to subjugate people. I believe there is no way to end these restrictions. There have been protests against these restrictions but nothing has come out of it or will ever come out of it. Personal freedoms no longer matter in this world.

    1. There is a news story in which a high school was evacuated and in which police officers showed up after two students refused to wear a mask. If this is not tolitharianism, then I don't know what that term is. The incident happened in California, a state which doesn't care about individual rights.

    2. Indeed, that is horrifying. California today sounds like "Hotel California", and by that I mean HELL on earth in the form of a de facto gigantic medical-fascist quarantine hotel. People can say what they want about Florida, Texas, Georgia, etc. but hey, at least they are not California (or Oregon or several other states backsliding into tyranny and dystopia as we speak).

      But good for the kids for standing up to totalitarianism and tyranny! I was getting very worried lately that "kids today" were NOT rebellious enough! Really. I don't know what's worse, not being rebellious enough when really needed, or blindly being "rebels without a clue" like some previous generations (*cough* Baby Boomers *cough* Gen X *cough*) were once quite famous for. It's like nowadays we aging Millennials and older literally need to tell the Gen Z youngins to please get ON our lawns after being cooped up so long!

      Nonviolent but unyielding civil disobedience (like Thoreau, Gandhi, or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) is the ONLY way this madness will finally end. Just like it did by the spring of 1919, and for 100 years no one would DARE to do it again. Simple, firm yet peaceful noncompliance with these insane mandates, while the Faucists are the ones having meltdowns and thus the ones looking like ogres and monsters. While the court system is clogged up by arresting so many people at once, if it should come to that like in 1918-1919.

    3. And of course there is NYC, whose backyard is my neck of the woods, that is the real trendsetter for the vaccine mandates and passports. Bill de Blasio and Andrew Cuomo seem to both be competing for the dubious honor of being the most hated man in America or at least in New York. And right now, because Blasio is still in power and can still do harm, I think he won that title hands down particularly with his latest vaccine coercion campaign. San Francisco was of course the next domino to fall in that regard, and so on. Slopes are a LOT slipperier than they appear! Just because the current vaccines are the ones a person may want, the next ones they force on us may not be. And just because one has the status now of being "fully vaccinated" doesn't meant that one can't lose that status in the future when it is arbitrarily revoked if they refuse the next boosters they will try to force on us all as well. So no one, vaccinate or unvaccinated, should be smug at all at this juncture.

      This doesn't end until we ALL say it does!
