
Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Two Faces Of The Branch Covidians

The Branch Covidian cult is really two cults in one:  Team Zero COVID, and their sometimes-rival, sometimes-ally, Team Vaccine.  They can easily be confused for one another by the uninitiated.  Both vehemently deny natural immunity, deny and dislike the use of early treatment and prophylaxis, grossly exaggerate the risks of the virus particularly to children and young people, and believe that only their own technocratic solutions possibly can save us.  Both reek of authoritarianism no matter how much they deny it.  Both luuurrrve to move the goalposts, cherry-pick data, shift the burden of proof, and indulge in other ridiculous logical fallacies routinely and often disingenuously.  Both have plenty of true believers along with the consummate liars and phonies in charge.  And like doctors and thieves, they both wear masks as part of their uniform (at least when the cameras are rolling).  So far, they seem like they would be natural allies.

But the similarity of the two cults ends with the differences in their eschatology, soteriology, and sometimes even cosmology at times.  Here they go from allies to rivals.  In a nutshell, Team Zero COVID believes that complete global eradication of the virus is not only still possible, but it is the only morally acceptable outcome no matter the cost (as long as someone else pays it), while Team Vaccine believes that while eradication is unlikely, the only way we can learn to live with the virus and go back to something approaching normal is if everyone in the world gets vaccinated as the ultimate endgame. 

And while neither team opposes lockdowns, mask mandates, or vaccine mandates, Team Zero COVID supports the first two the most while Team Vaccine supports the latter the most, even though many prefer a "layered" approach.  Both support achieving their own goals by any means necessary, while individual civil and human rights, economic well-being, overall community well-being, child development, or any other consideration are essentially worth zilch to them.  Even public health itself is to be ruthlessly sacrificed on the altar of the Branch Covidians, insofar is it not directly related to the virus that they slavishly fear so much to the point of idolatry.

It is now becoming very clear that vaccines alone will not eradicate the virus even if 100% of the world gets vaccinated over and over again, as these vaccines are far too "leaky" to do the job.  And there are animal reservoirs as well.  So what about the Zero COVID strategy?  Well, the therapeutic window has closed on that one long ago, as the horse has bolted and the genie is out of the bottle.  The virus SARS-CoV-2 is quickly becoming endemic (if it isn't already) and will be with us forever, no matter how many lockdowns, closures, masks, or vaccines we throw at it.  It will still be here in 2030, 2040, 2050, and beyond.  So we literally have two choices, basically: 1) learn to live with the virus, and be honest about it, or 2) learn to live with the virus, and pretend otherwise. Yes, those are literally the only choices now, regardless of any wishful thinking to the contrary.  And to still pretend otherwise now, after 18 months of clear evidence, is to bear false witness and to worship false idols.

And the best way to defeat both of the two cults is to do what they are doing to the rest of us:  divide-and-conquer.  Play the two faces of them against each other, and refuse to comply with their increasingly insane, draconian, and totalitarian edicts.

Zero COVID is a pipe dream, vaccines are nowhere near as good as advertised, and lockdowns and NPIs are basically useless.  The only thing that actually works, aside from natural herd immunity, is early treatment and prophylaxis.  It's long past time to be honest about that, live our lives, and move on.

Team Reality for the win!

UPDATE:  Now that more and more of the chattering classes and MSM are finally, if grudgingly, coming around to accepting the inevitable endemicity of the virus and learning to live with it, and the mRNA vaccines are clearly crashing through the basement in terms of efficacy, Team Vaccine is basically washed up and is now quickly being absorbed by their very last refuge, Team Zero COVID.  The latter of which seems to be more hysterical than ever lately--and that REALLY says something!--since they know they are on the wrong (and losing) side of history.  They have been trotting out the same old fuzzy math combined with exaggerations, half-truths, and omissions about the supposed unacceptable dystopia that endemic COVID would entail, while in reality the real dystopia would be if TZC actually gets their way.  Look no further than Australia and New Zealand, not to mention China, to see what sort of totalitarian police state would inevitably--and permanently--result sooner or later, and it would still be an exercise in futility in the long run.  Because short of putting all 8 billion people of the world each in solitary confinement indefinitely, which would obviously be unacceptable on humanitarian grounds, it is mathematically impossible for TZC to actually achieve their pipe dream of complete virus eradication.

And now even New Zealand, the crown jewel of the Zero COVID movement, has finally thrown in the towel and abandoned the impossible and Sisyphean goal of eliminating the virus completely.  Delta managed to chin-check them just hard enough to sober them up somewhat.  Unfortunately, lest you think they finally joined Team Reality for good, despite recent easing the Prime Minister noted that they will still have some flavor of lockdown restrictions until they can get a whopping 90% of the eligible population vaccinated, meaning they are squarely part of Team Vaccine for the time being.  They are at 48% of the eligible population already fully vaccinated as of October 5, so that is still a pretty tall order for New Zealand.  In contrast, Team Reality (that is, people like us at the TSAP) would much rather just go cold turkey and simply end all restrictions yesterday and go back to true normal regardless of anything, period, and NOT cajole anyone to get vaccinated.  What better time than now?


  1. I guess we still have some type of a difference on vaccines. This concoction that they call a 'vaccine' is not even a vaccine, it is some kind of experimental cocktail which is extremely dangerous. You are taking the Sars-Covid illness so seriously. I believe it has been a ruse to get people to take this drug-cocktail, hurt & kill many of them, & this toward the Shadow govt's end for tyranny. I see a conspiracy on both fronts here, the 'plandemic'--the illness itself, & the chemical that can kill us - all planned by the demons above us. I think you still believe there could be some good in the 'vaccine' - I don't. It is one of the most dangerous things every perpetrated on the human race, & it is meant to hurt & destroy, & this entire thing was planned on purpose. I think you are still giving the guys who rule the world too much credit, that they might have a shred of sincerity in them - I believe they are demonic through & through.

    1. I think we both actually agree more than we disagree here, it is more a matter of degree than kind. For a while I thought there might be some good in it, but it seems to look less and less the case as time goes on.

    2. Regardless, both Team Vaccine and Team Zero COVID are brainwashed cults, any way you look at it. Both are played by the oligarchy/technocracy. And neither one can lead to salvation.

    3. "Zero Covid" or "Covid Zero" refers to the unrealistic goal of completely eradicating or eliminating the virus, whether globally, nationally, regionally, or locally (usually globally). It is also a rather fanatical movement of the same name that believes that eradication worldwide is the only morally acceptable outcome, and should thus be pursued by any means necessary at any cost. And they are nuts!

  2. It's not the virus we are fighting here, it's what the Shadow Govt is doing to us & planning to do even worse. That is the enemy, not Covid. Covid is but a flu. A bad flu I guess, but still beatable. But the cocktail they pass off as a vaccine is irreversible, & so far, you cannot get it out of your system with the damage it causes. This poison does things that can make people infertile & passes on bad genes to children. It is deadly - absolutely deadly.

    1. As time goes on, what you say is looking more and more correct overall. At one time I thought maybe these "vaccines" had some redeeming good to them, even if they were superfluous and rushed through without proper clinical trials. But over time they are looking more and more dangerous and less and less useful.

    2. Indeed, the Shadow Government (oligarchy/technocracy) is the real enemy. They are far more dangerous than any virus.

  3. As far as the way you write articles, they are always brilliantly written & witty.

    As far as a vaccine having had some use - I don't know. I got a gazzilion jabs as a 4 year old in Germany before we came here, then I got the polio vaccine, which took Mom forever to give her consent - I didn't understand why. My sis says she said 'they're experimenting on us' since the time in Germany. When my daughter got old enough they wanted to give her all kinds of shots. I refused on the basis of religion - I said we are Christian Scientists. And she never got one jab under my umbrella - they could not force me to agree. And today, I see all the mothers I know taking their children for multiple jabs, like sheep to the slaughter, no matter what I said, they did it - because the rest of the sheep were taking them in. It's kind of like circumcision. Sheeple let their boys be abused & partially castrated, with no anesthesia, screaming their little lungs out. And why? Culture. Bullshyt tradition, yet they mostly agree to it. Someone told me boys are all circumcized routinely unless you say no. You bet I would say no. Circumcision removed about 28k nerve cells off the penis. Sheeple are programmed. I never even knew how insidious this whole thing is until I heard the last 3 videos the undertaker, Dr. Martin with the patents & now Dr. Tenpenny. This is genocide. And hear what Dr. Martin said about morbidity. Please hear him, it's long, but it's worth hearing.

    1. That is sad but true. Sheeple indeed. Not only do kids today, as Dr. Tenpenny notes get something like 30 vaccines total in the childhood, and literally starting at birth (compared to anywhere three to five vaccines in 1985 and earlier, and not everyone), boys are subject to that utterly barbaric practice that is euphemistically called "circumcision". I was one of them. Fortunately, the latter is becoming less and less common now than it was in the 1980s when I was born (went down from 80-90% of boys back then to about two thirds by 2000 and then down to one third around 2010), but still far too many. And interestingly in Europe, almost nobody there is circumcised except for Jews and Muslims, while the USA has long been an outlier in the Western world in that regard. No wonder the USA is such a violent country, and ditto for so many Middle Eastern countries as well.

      I will check our Dr. Martin as well. Thanks again :)


  4. Face book & other social media were removed today for many hours. I think it's a warning to the people that 'we can do this to you unless you obey & tow the party line' so there were millions of people today who were worried about their contact with other humans. Tim was saying on Sons of Liberty with his interview, that we better gather e mails of all the friends, because they might knock all our social media off in the future. Who knows. I think it might be wise to gather the e mails of friends, seriously. If I have any good friends or decent fans, they can see my You tube & get my e mail there, but as you notice, my so called friends aren't very active. Tey barely say peep - so that means they don't really connect with me seriously, that social media stuff is mostly a farce as far as 'friends.' Most of them would not go to your funeral - I saw a show like that on 'All in the Family' - it was hilarious.

  5. I just made some more new updates now.

  6. It's time to get rid of mask mandates. People should choose if they want to wear a mask or not. Getting the vaccine or not should be a choice.
