
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Team Reality Vindicated Yet Again

Looks like us at Team Reality have been vindicated yet again:  two years into the pandemic, we still see no correlation between stringency and excess all-cause deaths.  And this was from a famous mainstream British medical journal, The Lancet, of all places.  One can see that not only did Sweden do better than the European average, but they actually did about the same or better than all of their immediate neighbors except Norway (and Norway wasn't even all that much stricter for the majority of the pandemic).  We can see that not only Sweden, but also Belarus, Nicaragua, Tanzania, Brazil, Uruguay, the Faroe Islands, Florida, Utah, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota were generally within error bounds of their much stricter neighbors (and/or the USA or world average), and in some cases actually did better.  Even Arizona was apparently within error bounds of their much stricter neighbor New Mexico.  And furthermore, a simple population age adjustment puts Florida and California at roughly equivalent to each other and the USA national average despite radically different policies, even if it makes Nevada look terrible by the same token.

The very worst country by far was Peru, who had one of the earliest, strictest, and longest lockdowns in the region, if not the world.  And the very worst US state was Mississippi, whose stringency was not very different from the national average overall.

But overall, the net result is that most countries and states simply ended up within error bounds of each other regardless of what they did policy-wise.

Cumulative excess all-cause deaths is the best way to compare states and countries since it shows us the "final bill" with no bias from the wide differences in counting Covid cases and deaths.  It thus captures all the collateral deaths from lockdowns and such, as well as direct and indirect virus deaths.  And it also captures any deaths from the very biggest elephant in the room of all--the experimental "vaccines".

Like the song goes, some will win, some will lose, and some are born to sing the blues.  And the latter category seems to be dominated by the perpetual quasi-lockdown countries and states repeatedly punctuated by on-again, off-again full lockdowns and other mandates and restrictions.  They have remained mired in an "epidemic yo-yo" with the worst of both worlds overall.  Basically, you either do China (excluding Hong Kong), or you do Sweden (or less).  Anything in between basically does far more harm than good on balance.  And China's brutal and totalitarian strategy, one with still no end in sight to this day, is of course utterly incompatible with anywhere even remotely close to being a free country.

Thus, lockdowns, mask mandates, and NPIs really need to be taken off the table forever. Period.

UPDATE:  Of course, all purely utilitarian arguments are ultimately built on quicksand, so that cannot be our only argument against lockdowns and such.  We must note that the real argument is, individual rights are inalienable, and thus NOT up for grabs, regardless.  It is an egregious affront to human dignity to violate such rights.  That, and the Hippocratic Oath of "first, do no harm" (since all of these restrictions and mandates are by definition, harmful to one degree or another) are the only arguments we need.

And for those who are still scared and miss the phony "security blanket" of universal masking, remember that you are still perfectly free to wear one yourself even well after mask mandates are lifted.  Better yet, build up your own "invisible mask" via the following:  Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Zinc, Quercetin, Thiamine, Magnesium, NACNiacin, Selenium, the amino acid Lysine, Resveratrol, Fisetin, Oregano Oil, Omega-3, and mouthwash and nasal spray such as Xlear, dilute Povidone-Iodine, or Betadine Cold Defence with Carageenan.  And all without the dreaded Foegen Effect or any of the numerous other adverse effects of face masks.

See also here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

And use common sense.  Wash your hands, cover your coughs and sneezes, don't touch your face, and stay home when actually sick.  Ventilate, ventilate, ventilate.  Vulnerable people should avoid crowds as much as possible when case numbers are elevated.  In other words, adopt the "flu strategy" and move on.


  1. A free country can only exist if people believe in freedom, in the U.S. that doesn't seem to be the case.

    1. Alas, that no longer seems to be the case. In the country that was practically the birthplace of individual rights, ironically.

  2. People in America aren't SCARED ENOUGH of their rights being taken away. They have not been victims of war on their own soil, they have not experienced what many other countries have. And so they are dumb & ignorant of what happens when rights are eroded taken away, piece by piece. I was close to my parents living through WWII & was born on the day the first Atom Bomb was exploded in America. I saw, sensed & heard from my parents their experiences & also STUDIED And so I do have a healthy concern about what Patrairchal governments do to their people. We must resist & fight constantly to maintain our freedoms, through legitimate work. Get women elected.

  3. I forgot to say how well your articles are researched & thought out. Really magnificent synopsis of what has happened. You have a brillient mind, a genius & your writings is top notch. It never ceases to amaze me how you take these findings & explain them so beautfully. And I'm so proud to have you in 'our corner' of Mother God & Matriarchy.

    1. Thank you very much, Rasa. I am glad that you think so highly of me and my work, and I'm very glad I can help.

      Best wishes and keep up the great work,

  4. You also added how to protect ourselves & people do need to be reminded of that - some of them don't study the therapies, you teach this, thanks a lot for that. It will help many. You helped me - I take Niacin every day after hearing you.

    1. You're very welcome, Rasa. I'm glad I can help. Niacin is indeed great. 500 mg/day is generally what I recommend, every day or every couple of days, and more than that if actually sick. Plus several grams of Vitamin C, 4000 or 5000 units/day of Vitamin D, and a B-complex vitamin and/or a good multivitamin every day, at a minimum. Just so the reader is aware, the classic "flush" response is a *feature* of Niacin, not a bug.

    2. And according to the late Bill Sardi (RIP), in one of the very last articles he wrote for the Lew Rockwell website, Resveratrol (from grapes) now appears to be at least as important as the aforementioned vitamins and minerals as well.
