
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Turmeric May Be Effective Against Covid, Particularly Omicron

The latest addition to the already-known 20+ possible treatments and prophylactics against Covid (particularly Omicron in this case) is apparently curcumin, the bioactive phytochemical component of the spice turmeric.  This is not actually surprising given that we already know that curcumin acts as a protease inhibitor (which Pfizer's magic pill does too).  And now a new study fleshed this out further with an additional effect, finding that curcumin also binds to specific amino acids on the Omicron-mutant viral spike protein, more so than chloroquine does.  Read that last sentence once more and let it sink in.

This may be one of several reasons why India, who really got slammed by Delta last year, did not get hit anywhere near as hard by Omicron or any of its subvariants to date, despite (or perhaps even partly because of) low vaccination rates and almost no mRNA vaccines (which seem to be a magnet for Omicron) used there at all.  Turmeric is famously used quite ubiquitously in Indian cuisine.  As is black pepper, which contains piperine, a compound known to boost the effectiveness of turmeric in general.

So turmeric (and don't forget the black pepper and/or olive oil to boost it) is one more thing to add to one's spice rack and medicine chest.  It is certainly a LOT safer than Big Pharma's latest nostrums.  Ditto for resveratrol, quercetin, and fisetin as well.  But remember, as the late Bill Sardi warns, do use caution not to overdo turmeric supplements, many of which can be far more potent than most people realize.


  1. I use a lot of turmeric in my vegan cookery. I put it with potatoes if I am boiling them and they go a lovely golden yellow, and I add it to vegetable curries and pasta sauces, as well as to vegetable stews.
