
Friday, February 3, 2023

And The Very Best Covid (And Flu) "Vaccine" Is.....VITAMIN D!

According to a new meta-analysis of gold standard randomized controlled trials (RCTs), Vitamin D cuts the risk of death from Covid in HALF (51%) and reduces the risk of ICU admission by nearly three-fourths (72%).  This is quite impressive, and as we know, certainly works way better than what any of the Covid jabs out there have to offer (beyond the first few weeks or months or so, after which jab efficacy turns negative), not to mention without all of those nasty side effects like fever, chills, blood clots, stroke, heart attack, sudden death, and runny nose.

(Note that it also seems to outperform the seasonal flu vaccines as well, which are even weaker and leakier.)

So why isn't this front page news?  Scratch that, why wasn't it front page news at the very beginning of the pandemic, as I'm sure there were some studies being conducted, and the benefits of Vitamin D were already well-known for the common cold and flu, giving it further biological plausibility.  We know exactly why:  1) there is no profit in Vitamin D or any other vitamins or nutrients, and 2) the powers that be had a pandemic narrative to maintain, for power and control.  A narrative that they were apparently willing to sacrifice literally millions of lives worldwide to maintain, including over a million Americans.

In fact, as we previously noted in an earlier article, a Bangladesh study found that just three nutrients (Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc) would have been enough to reduce significant case and death rates to below-pandemic levels, thus defanging the pandemic while allowing natural herd immunity to develop.  No lockdowns, masks, antisocial distancing, NPIs, or jabs needed.  Let that sink in for a moment. 

And that's BEFORE we get into the widespread censorship of HCQ, Ivermectin, budesonide inhalers, and stuff like that which had plenty of evidence in its favor.  Ditto for antibiotics like azithromycin and doxycycline for secondary bacterial pneumonia, which was responsible for an unknown (but likely very high) percentage of "Covid" pneumonia deaths.

And let's not forget turmeric, resveratrol, fisetin, quercetin, NAC, thiamine, and niacin as well.  And also nasal sprays like Xlear, and mouthwashes as well.  All of which either censored or pooh-poohed.

How will the purveyors of the official narrative ever live this down?

P.S.  Don't forget the complementary Vitamin K2 along with the Vitamin D3 as well.

UPDATE:  Robin Whittle has been saying this about Vitamin D since fairly early in 2020.

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