With the latest data coming in implying that the Covid "vaccines", or rather experimental gene therapies (whether mRNA or DNA/adenovirus), are 1) not fit for purpose for general use, if at all, 2) wane rapidly in what meager effectiveness they do possess, 3) have FAR worse safety and adverse effect profiles than previous, conventional vaccines as per VAERS (USA) and Yellow Card (UK) reports, 4) have unknown long-term effects, especially for children and young people, and 5) have some, shall we say, quality control issues that have recently been uncovered with the vial contents in terms of foreign material, we at the TSAP hereby resolve to call for an immediate moratorium on all Covid vaccines (or anything claiming to be such) for a minimum of two weeks pending a thorough and independent investigation of the contents of these vials. To wit:

Manufacturers should clearly welcome such an investigation if they really are on the up and up. Even if just to "debunk" the "conspiracy theorists" and lift any cloud hanging over their products. If they balk, it kind of implies otherwise, doesn't it? If they have nothing to hide, why hide it?
And of course, by definition, ALL mandates, passports, and discrimination relating to these jabs must also be lifted immediately, and permanently, period. There is obviously ZERO justification now for these measures, and there never really was any.
After the minimum two week moratorium, if they ever decide to resume any of these jabs at all, they should only be resumed for adults at the very highest risk for complications from the virus (over age 70, morbidly obese (i.e. BMI of 35 or higher), and/or severely immuncompromised), or who work in very high-risk jobs, and even then only voluntarily with full and informed consent, ideally in consultation with one's doctor. But since nearly everyone who is highly vulnerable or working high-risk jobs who truly wanted to receive them already has, any new takers will be very, very few in number.
Even for those who are high-risk, it is best NOT to resume these jabs for anyone who has already had the virus (whether through previous diagnosis, or current positive antibody or T-cell test results), or anyone who is under 18, pregnant, or planning to become pregnant in the near future.
And a fortiori for children under 12, the next "market" for the industry. There is NO good reason whatsoever for them to get these jabs, period. That has to be an absolute bright RED LINE, and if there was ever a hill to die on, this is the one, people!
Additionally, they should also launch an investigation into the vials of other vaccines while we are at it, including, but not limited to, flu shots. Again, if they have nothing to hide, why hide it?
So what are we waiting for?
UPDATE: On October 26, 2021, the FDA panel recommended Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer "vaccine" for children ages 5-11. All of the members of the panel voted yes, except for one coward who abstained. Not even one person there had the courage to vote no, even though, as one of them said the quiet part out loud, "We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That's the way it goes." Let that sink in.
And we just found yet another damning and incriminating video that will easily be the "smoking gun" to get these jabs off the market completely within a matter of HOURS if the FDA were to actually heed them, followed by legal action against the companies that make then. Starting with Pfizer, and quickly followed by the others as well. Anyone with access to a microscope, blood samples, saline, and vials of the "vaccines" can easily replicate them. On the basis of quality control alone, the obvious questionable foreign material (quite appropriately called "garbage") found in the Pfizer vials in the video is enough to not only take these things off the market, but also break through the EUA liability shield, as this very basic quality control failure becomes a strict liability issue that even Big Pharma is NOT immune from. Add in the apparent detrimental effects on red blood cells observed under the microscope, not to mention the obvious epic failures of the "vaccines" to live up to the companies' claims in the real world and it is game, set, and match. Share far and wide!
There also seems to be quite a lot of heterogeneity and variation of adverse effects by lot number of these jabs too.
Oh, and don't forget this video too. The plot thickens, even thicker than the blood of someone who got the clot shot!
Please be sure to see here for damage control advice. Stay healthy, everyone!
DECEMBER UPDATE: Google "died suddenly" and click News. Then look at the surprisingly young ages of those who died. Then look at the Google Trends curve for "died suddenly", it practically looks like a hockey stick. Then look at how the supposed lifesaving effect of the jabs is largely an artifact of deliberately ignoring the first two weeks of data after the first dose (and probably the second and third dose as well), and looking only at virus deaths. Negative efficacy (by the jabs suppressing the immune system, ironically) in the first two weeks basically pulls forward and front-loads many infections and thus deaths that would have otherwise occurred a bit later, in addition to the jab injury excess deaths on top of it.
JANUARY 2022 UPDATE: The insurance industry has recently reported a 40% increase in overall death rates among 18-64 year olds in Indiana in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic levels. That is huge! Normally, overall death rates don't change anywhere near that much from year to year. And it was worst in the third and possibly fourth quarters of 2021. The official press release seems to insinuate that it was the virus that caused all (or nearly all) of the increase, but they are clearly ignoring the massive elephant in the room--the jabs. And given the timing and the age group, the jabs are the largest and most likely culprit of all. Notice they didn't compare 2021 (virus and vaccine) specifically with 2020 (virus but no vaccine), as that would have been too obvious, of course.
If that is not a screaming loud safety signal, the largest in all of recorded history in fact, we really don't know what is! (Over 1000 studies concur.)
And for those who are still not convinced, the Department of Defense data on death rates in the US military (one of the most vaccinated institutions in the nation, and known for keeping excellent records in general) are also quite disturbing as well.
MARCH UPDATE: Some may claim that all or nearly all of these excess premature deaths are actually Covid, or perhaps longer-term sequelae of Covid, deaths disguised as non-Covid deaths. But New Zealand had barely any Covid or flu in 2021, not getting their first real wave in earnest until February 2022. And yet, they still had excess deaths in the latter half of 2021, coinciding almost perfectly with their extensive "vaccine" rollout. So either 1) the New Zealand government has been lying through their teeth all along about their Covid numbers, or more likely, 2) the "vaccines" are in fact at least as deadly as the skeptics feared (and, at least for those under age 70 and reasonably healthy, significantly deadlier than the virus itself). Neither of which is flattering to either Team Vaccine OR Team Zero Covid.
And embalmers in the USA have seen some pretty scary stuff recently as well. Put it all together and apply Occam's Razor. The conclusion is obvious.
P.S. If at this point you still feel that you absolutely must get vaccinated (or boosted) against Covid for whatever reason, at the very least, wait for Novavax! While the TSAP does NOT actually endorse that one or any other jab, we should note that Novavax seems so far to be safer than the current mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) and DNA/AAV (J&J and AZ) jabs, and at least somewhat more effective against newer variants like Omicron. And while it still has the spike protein, at least it delivers only a finite amount of it, like a more traditional vaccine would, rather than genes that transfect the body's cells to produce ludicrous amounts of it. It's very, very telling how the powers that be have not exactly been eager to approve it, while all too eager to not only approve the experimental gene therapies, but force them on the masses and keep doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on them. (As of February 2022, the WHO has approved Novavax, along with the EU, Canada, and several other counties, but not the USA yet.)