Showing posts with label vaccine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccine. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Once Again, The Official COVID Narrative Goes Up In Flames

It's 2025 now, five full years after the "novel coronavirus" that became known as COVID-19 made its official debut.  Aside from a few dead-enders and true believers here and there, nearly everyone has long since moved on from the pandemic, which officially ended somewhere between the second half of 2022 and the end of the first half of 2023, depending on the country and whose source you follow.  

And just recently, a pair of new studies came out that were pretty damning indeed about practically everything that was done during the pandemic in terms of countermeasures.  That's in addition to all of the other studies we at the TSAP have cited over the years.

One new multi-country study found that school closures were basically useless or worse than useless, at least in the long run.  Specifically, they found no correlation between school reopenings during ether Delta or Omicron, and trends in adult Covid deaths and hospitalizations.  This is especially damning to the narrative because the biggest justification they had was that the school closures weren't to protect the kids themselves so much as to protect the adults around them, consequences to the kids themselves (and boy, were there plenty!) being a mere afterthought.  Thus, even on their very own Machiavellian and cold utilitarian terms of essentially using children and teens as human shields to protect adults, such medium- to long-term school closures have clearly been shown to be an EPIC FAIL, and need to be permanently removed from any serious consideration going forward.

Another study, this one in Japan (arguably the mask and jab champions of the world), found that the jabs were also quite counterproductive indeed in terms of contracting the virus.  That is, the odds of contracting Covid actually increased with the number of jab doses, which is negative efficacy.  Wow.  And adjusting for confounders only made this perverse correlation even stronger:

The odds of contracting COVID-19 were higher among vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals, with an unadjusted OR of 1.65 (95% CI: 1.27-2.14, p < 0.001) and an adjusted OR of 1.85 (95% CI: 1.33-2.57, p < 0.001).

That explains how Japan, a country with one of the highest jab rates in the world, has had roughly a DOZEN waves (!) of the virus, give or take depending on who's counting, and how the biggest (and deadliest) waves of them all didn't come until AFTER the jabs.  Let that sink in.  Oops, maybe they should have thought of that possibility BEFORE bringing these jabs to market in the first place.

But wait, there's more!  That same Japanese study also looked at other behaviors as well.  As one Redditor, MembraneAnomaly, put it so well:

This bit is very interesting:

Preventive behaviors assessed included regular gargling, mask-wearing, bathing frequency, avoiding crowded places, room ventilation, eating habits, sleep patterns, exercise habits, and maintaining humidity in living spaces.

Behavioral analysis indicated that a reduced frequency of bathing and exercising was significantly associated with higher COVID-19 infection rates (p < 0.05).

Now look at the table under "Demographic characteristics" to find p-values for the association between reducing bathing and exercise and contracting COVID (0.016 and 0.01), compared to mask-wearing (0.644) and avoiding crowds (0.664). Nuff said! Stay healthy, exercise, keep clean - and dump the mask!

Great advice indeed, which is basically what used to be called common sense.  Which unfortunately, is not nearly as common as it should be.  (For those who are unfamiliar with what p-values mean, this means that the effect of masks, even in the land of mask champions, was statistically insignificant, indistinguishable from being due to chance.)

And just in case anyone cries "but source control!", the fact that Japan has still had a dozen or so waves even with all of that masking really puts the lie to that specious claim too.

So jabs and masks are also revealed once again to be useless, and in the case of the former, worse than useless.  Again, masking for the general population should also be permanently removed from any serious consideration going forward, and any vaccines in the future for any disease need to be properly designed and properly tested before we even THINK about unleashing them on the public, and certainly never forced or coerced in any way.

And just like with masks, we have already completely laid waste long ago to any case for lockdowns and business closures and and stuff like that as well.  Those were the easiest to debunk, in fact.  And again, going forward, those need to be removed from any serious consideration as well.

And so once again, like the song says, the official Covid narrative goes up in 24 frames.

(Mic drop)

UPDATE:  One of the very few bright spots in the new Trump regime is that RFK Jr. (if confirmed) would of course be a decent bulwark against this sort of thing happening again under his watch.  And while Trump himself is not exactly trustworthy, to put it mildly, he did begin the process of pulling the USA out of the World Health Organization.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Next Plandemic?

Just as the COVID-19 pandemic is basically over now as the virus and its descendents has transitioned to one degree or another of endemicity after reaching a level of functional herd immunity from mass infection (largely no thanks to the jabs!), no sooner does another potential one appear seemingly out of nowhere.  And that virus is.....MONKEYPOX! 

Monkeypox is mainly found in wild animals in parts of Africa where it is endemic at a low level, and related to smallpox but much milder and far less contagious between humans, hence it being quite rare in humans.  It generally requires VERY close contact to transmit it, and it is not known to spread in the absence of symptoms either.  But very recently there has been a rash (pun intended) of cases in several countries where it is not normally found among people with no history of travel to Africa, such as the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Australia, Canada, and now the USA.  The numbers remain quite small, less than 100 confirmed cases total and no deaths yet, but it is being closely monitored.

The ever-insightful Michael P. Senger (author of Snake Oil:  How Xi Jinping Shut Down The Worldpoints out that, just like the COVID-19 pandemic was preceded by just a few months by a tabletop simulation of a SARS-like viral pandemic called "Event 201", so too was this monkeypox outbreak preceded just a year ago by another tabletop simulation of, and he quotes, a "global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox beginning in May 2022".  In fact, it takes place as beginning on May 15, 2022, accurate almost to the DAY.  Now, that is one eerie coincidence if there ever was one!  Or is it really a coincidence at all?  Things that really should make you go, hmmmm....

And Senger also points out that, at the center of both simulations is....George Fu Gao, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control.  Yes, really.  And he and his colleagues have been awfully quiet lately.

But don't worry, they have plenty of vaccines ready now--smallpox vaccines to be exact, which supposedly also work on this related virus as well.  Bill Gates must be salivating like a Pavlov's dog as we speak!

Meanwhile, the NYC Health Department is currently a world outlier among public health agencies in recommending that people wear masks again (!) to protect against monkeypox.  Yes, really.  Not even the CDC is saying that, and there is really no hard evidence that masks work against monkeypox in the general population.  But that didn't stop NYC from advocating it, because reasons.  Or something. 

We at the TSAP do NOT believe that this will actually become a real pandemic, rather, this outbreak will most likely fizzle out on its own as a mere flash in the pan.  But as the past two and a half years has so painfully shown us all, we must never, ever underestimate what sorts of evil machinations the global oligarchy is capable of, both in terms of deliberate or "accidental" release of natural or manmade bioweapons, as well as collateral damage from illiberal and totalitarian responses to same.

And all this just as the infamous WHO pandemic treaty is being revised in an increasingly illiberal direction and being actively debated as we speak....

Either way, whether it is a hoax, a real threat, somewhere in between, or some combination of both, this has the fingerprints of the oligarchy all over it.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Over 400 Studies On Our Side

BREAKING NEWS:  According to Dr. Paul Alexander, here are now over 400 studies that expose the utter failure of all of the COVID-related mandates and compulsory restrictions in the real world, and ZERO studies of even halfway-decent quality that show the opposite with any real confidence.  Once you exclude all of the fatally-flawed and poorest quality studies, and look at enough real-world data points, one can firmly conclude that all of these measures have done far more harm than good on balance.  And they should NEVER, EVER, EVER be repeated.  Like, ever.

Dr. Alexander's article discusses compulsory non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) such as lockdowns, shelter-in-place, school closures, masks and mask mandates, etc. and essentially debunks them all.  Scratch that, he debones, fillets, slices, dices, and juliennes each and every one of these sacred cows, and pretty much lays waste to their remains.  However, his article does not touch on the most recent addition to the mix:  the now ubiquitous "vaccines" and the disgustingly tyrannical mandates and passports of same.  That is where the ever-insightful Steve Kirsch comes in, noting that these jabs literally kill more people than they save, and a fortiori for children to the tune of 117 to 1.  And that data was largely before the boosters became widely used, so that is most likely a lower bound for the adverse effects going forward if we continue on the path we are on.  They are also known to be very "leaky" (i.e. they don't stop transmission), and are thus NOT fit for the purpose of mass vaccination even if they were somehow perfectly safe (which they're not).

Thus, to put it in medical terminology, "the therapeutic window is closed" for all of these mandates and restrictions, period.  We must scrap the whole lot of them, cold turkey, never to repeat them again.  And the same is clearly true for these "vaccines" themselves, with maybe the exception of some extremely vulnerable and high risk individuals who still have yet to receive them for whatever reason.  Plenty of early treatments and prophylactics exist that completely obviate any need for these jabs, we just need to stop denying and censoring them, and start using them.  And yesterday is NOT soon enough!

FINAL THOUGHT:  If anyone still thinks that vaccine mandates or passports are somehow necessary OR sufficient to prevent another lockdown, well, we've got a nice bridge over the Danube River we'd like to sell you.  As they are now learning the hard way in Europe, you cannot bargain with the devil and hope to come out in one piece!  Cold turkey is the only way out of this mess for good, period.  When you try to meet insanity and tyranny in the middle, you will always lose, each and every single time.

UPDATE:  Looks like Sweden, who famously eschewed lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates, has ultimately been vindicated after all.  Their cumulative all-cause excess mortality per capita (by far the best indicator of all) was well below the European average, and believe it or not, not very different from their neighbors when you include all of their neighbors.  And Brazil, who had a reputation for being lax, and even Belarus, Nicaragua, and Tanzania, who largely ignored the pandemic, also fared quite similarly to their much stricter neighbors as well in terms of excess deaths.  And here in the USA, we see that Florida's excess death rate was roughly equivalent to California's despite the latter being much, much stricter overall than the former, AND despite the former also having a much older and fatter population as well.  Game. Set. Match.

Another study finds that babies born during the pandemic have stunted development compared to babies born before the pandemic.  Interestingly, no significant difference was seen between babies born to mothers who contracted the virus during pregnancy and those who did not.  Rather, it was the mothers' stress from all of the panic and lockdowns that had a toxic effect on the babies across regardless of the virus itself.  Let that sink in for a moment.  Now add in all the ubiquitous antisocial distancing and masks they experienced during early childhood as well, and it gets even worse still.

As for the Nu Xi Omicron variant, it is looking more and more like an intellectual checkmate for the purveyors of the official narrative.  Both "Team Vaccine" and "Team Zero Covid" are about to eat some serious crow, while the inevitable transition from pandemic to endemic has been greatly accelerated.

And now, the CDC has finally decided to pull the plug on the fraudulent PCR test, effectively December 31, 2021.  Because they know that the gig is up, the narrative has been completely laid waste, and effectively ending PCR testing is literally the only way they can declare "victory" over Covid at this point.

Don't forget to check out this deep dive by the ever-insightful Julius Ruechel too.

Friday, November 26, 2021

WTF Happened To The Left ?

That is the trillion-dollar question we should all have been asking all along.  From the moderate liberal left to the progressive left to the socialist far left, we saw far too many were either silent or went along with the neoliberal pseudo-left in pushing these illiberal, authoritarian, totalitarian, dystopian, and technocratic restrictions--lockdowns, shutdowns, school closures, mass quarantines, mask mandates, travel restrictions, gathering restrictions, and now even vaccine mandates and "passports".  That was one of the most shocking observations in history. 

There is literally nothing progressive or "woke" about these draconian measures that arbitrarily revoke individual human rights and civil liberties, destroy economies, destroy family and community cohesion, disproportionately harm the poor and people of color, disproportionately harm women and children, and quite frankly don't even work to stop the virus in the long run.  Up until March 2020, it was largely a consensus even in the medical community that doing these worse-than-useless things would do far more harm than good on balance, thus blatantly violating the Hippocratic oath of "first do no harm", and the left generally felt the same way.  So what changed?

From the ACLU to Vox to Noam Chomsky to the UN to the WSWS to Jacobin to Ms. Magazine to the AMA to the AAP to the AARP to nearly every left-wing or left-leaning political party in the world (outside of Sweden, Belarus, and Nicaragua), some of the last people one would expect to carry water for such a horrible agenda of the oligarchy and Big Pharma ended up doing exactly that.  Was it simply fear?  Was it generous payola from the oligarchy and Big Pharma?  Was it manipulation and coercion from them?  Was it blindly taking orders from Beijing, like the WHO is known to do?  Was it activation of some latent (or not-so-latent) authoritarian tendencies estimated to be present in 20% of the general population?  Was it what started as a merely silly "Orange Man Bad" political take that simply metastasized throughout the entire body politic?  Or perhaps a deep-seated desire to destroy capitalism (and/or industrial civilization) once and for all at any cost, regardless of the collateral damage?  

Most likely, it was all of the above.  Either way, the vast majority of the Left has SOLD OUT.  

The Democratic Party is beyond repair now.  News Flash:  The ubiquitous hashtag #DemExit is trending, and going viral.  Somebody needs to answer the Clue Phone, and fast!  Otherwise, 2022 and 2024 will thus be a bloodbath at the polls for the Dems.

Meanwhile, the ever-insightful British organization Left Lockdown Sceptics has consistently been a prinicipled beacon of sanity and reason on the genuine Left, no matter how far off the rails and utterly unhinged the rest of the self-proclaimed "Left" (whether (neo)liberal, progressive, or radical) have become lately.  They have truly stood the test of time, and their integrity will not be forgotten.

The time for the increasingly compromised and increasingly phony "Left" to genuinely repent cold turkey and make amends is yesterday.  Scratch that, the best time was 21 months ago.  The second best time is RIGHT NOW!  What are they waiting for?

UPDATE:  We would be remiss if we did not also note how egregiously ableist (in addition to being racist, sexist, ageist, adultist, eltist, and classist) these draconian measures have been, and still are in the places that continue to impose them.  People with disabilities and chronic illnesses have clearly gotten the brief end of the stick in countless ways, from worsening isolation to denial of services to interference with communication to denial of freedom of movement and more.  And it created a truly massive and persistent mental health crisis on top of it all.  All while the zealots who promote these measures have cynically and disgustingly used such vulnerable members of society as a fig leaf for these measures, with all of their empty rhetoric about "protecting the vulnerable", a promise that has been utterly broken time and again.  Thus, the overall intersectionally oppressive system known as the kyriarchy has clearly only gained strength all the more since from the very same "woke" pseudo-left who hypocritically claims to be dismantling it.

Also, it seems that organized labor (which has historically been quite left-leaning) has sold out as well, or at least some unions in the USA and UK, alas.  Particularly the teachers' unions, from the start.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

What "Learning To Live With It" Really Means

As it becomes increasingly obvious that COVID-19 is becoming endemic if it isn't already, and that, try as we may, we clearly cannot eradicate this virus, there has been some confusion on what it really means when we say we need to "learn to live with the virus".  When we at the TSAP say that, this is what we mean:

What it does NOT include, in theory or practice:

  • Lockdowns of any degree or kind
  • Business restrictions of any kind
  • Mask mandates of any kind anywhere
  • Curfews of any kind
  • Antisocial distancing 
  • Gathering restrictions of any kind
  • Travel restrictions of any kind
  • School or university closures
  • Healthcare restrictions or denials
  • Red zones and green zones
  • Mass testing of asymptomatic people
  • Quarantine of asymptomatic people
  • Contact tracing, or test-and-trace apps
  • Vaccine mandates or coercion of any kind, anywhere 
  • COVID or health "passports" of any kind
  • Anything even remotely dystopian

What it includes:

  • Common sense
  • Early treatment and prophylaxis
  • General health and wellness 
  • Honesty and integrity 
  • Empathy and compassion 
  • Human rights
  • Liberty 
  • Personal responsibility 
  • Live and let live
In other words, we simply go cold turkey from all pandemic-related restrictions, adopt the "flu model", live our lives to the fullest, and move on.  Capisce?

And the best moral learned in the past two years?  NEVER, EVER, EVER try to meet insanity or tyranny in the middle!  You will ALWAYS lose when attempting to compromise with the purveyors of the official narrative.  Give them an inch, and they will take a mile every single time.  Lesson learned, the hard way.

UPDATE:  Yet another study finds that lockdowns did far more harm than good, and we should NEVER, EVER, EVER attempt to repeated it.  Like, ever.  In other news, water is wet and the sun rises in the east.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Pfizermectin To The Rescue!

The latest impressive announcement of Pfizer's new anti-Covid pill, Paxlovid, is generating headlines everywhere.  The end of the pandemic is near!  Nearly 90% in preventing hospitalization and death! Hallelujah, let's pop the champagne!

Of course, if it really pans out, they literally just made their own failing "vaccine" (and those of their competitors) completely obsolete.  Very convenient damage control on their part.  And given how their new drug is a protease inhibitor, that it means it shares one of several mechanisms of action that Ivermectin utilizes against the virus, hence the nickname #Pfizermectin trending now.  And Ivermectin, best when taken along with zinc and/or doxycycline as famously done in India, also apparently does other things against the virus as well.  But Ivermectin is much cheaper as it is off-patent and generic now, so Big Pharma obviously can't profit from that.  Hence all the censorship.

And it's not just Ivermectin that acts as an already existing protease inhibitor to inhibit viral replication.  Various nutrients like resveratrol (from grapes), fisetin (from strawberries), and turmeric also act as natural protease inhibitors, while quercetin also inhibits cell entry of the virus and acts as a zinc ionophore to carry zinc into cells (zinc inhibits viral replication via a different mechanism).  Throw in some Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Niacin, Melatonin, Thiamine, and B12, along with Selenium and Vitamin E, and the virus will not stand a chance.  Thus, these increasingly failing and questionable "vaccines" were basically always obsolete, and no need to wait for Pfizer's (or Merck's) new magic pill.  Back to 2019 normal yesterday!

Even plain old aspirin seems to be beneficial in reducing Covid death rates, as long as you don't overdo it and take plenty of Vitamin C as well (as too much aspirin can deplete Vitamin C).  Any "survival kit" that does not contain aspirin and the aforementioned vitamins is not really a survival kit.

For further prophylaxis and very early treatment, throw in some xylitol/GSE (Xlear) or carageenan (Betadine Cold Defence) nasal sprays, and mouthwashes containing either alcohol or cetylpyridinium chloride, and you really got it made!  

(There is also a povidone-iodine based spray called ImmuneMist, in both oral and nasal formulas as well.)

The wisdom of the ages is crystal clear:  DO NOT mass vaccinate with leaky and questionable "vaccines" during a pandemic of any kind, as it ends up being gasoline on the fire.  Early treatment and prophylaxis make far more sense, and should have been done instead.  So what are we waiting for?

DECEMBER UPDATE:   On December 22, 2021, Pfizer's game-changing anti-Covid pill was finally authorized by the FDA.  A pill that you can take at home early on, so you can stay out of the hospital.  Hallelujah!  Of course, we know that the aforementioned natural (resveratrol, quercetin, fisetin, turmeric, etc.) and generic (Ivermectin plus zinc and doxycycline) protease inhibitors also work as well.  We know that plain old zinc itself, as well as amino acid lysine, inhibit viral replication as well, while arginine (counterintuitively) appears to improve outcomes if taken when already sick.  This is especially true when also taken with the aforementioned vitamins, herbs, nasal sprays, and mouthwashes.  And even SSRIs like Fluvoxamine have shown promise against the virus, albeit by a different mechanism.  And yet the powers that be have ignored, censored, and suppressed these things, as these would quickly render the "vaccines" and patented pills obsolete.

(Ivermectin, however, has 20 different mechanisms of action, while Pfizermectin only shares one of these 20 mechanisms, even if it is more potent for that one.)

Had the Fareed-Tyson protocol or the Zelenko protocol been followed for early treatment and prophylaxis, there would be almost no hospitalizations or deaths from Covid at all.

Looks like Bill Sardi's prediction, "by the end of the year", was right on the money!

JANUARY 2022 UPDATE:  A large Brazilian study of over 200,000 people confirms that Ivermectin actually does work as prophylaxis against the virus.  People who took 0.2 mg/kg/day on two consecutive days every 15 days saw much lower case, hospitalization, and death rates compared to those who did not, even after adjusting for numerous potential confounders.  The data were notably from 2020, before the vaccines and when a good chunk of the population was still naive to the virus.  And of course, the results were not released until January 15, 2022, over a year after the last data points were gathered.  Had the results been published widely a year earlier, it literally could have changed the course of the pandemic, if not history.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Time For A Moratorium On Experimental Gene Therapies

With the latest data coming in implying that the Covid "vaccines", or rather experimental gene therapies (whether mRNA or DNA/adenovirus), are 1) not fit for purpose for general use, if at all, 2) wane rapidly in what meager effectiveness they do possess, 3) have FAR worse safety and adverse effect profiles than previous, conventional vaccines as per VAERS (USA) and Yellow Card (UK) reports, 4) have unknown long-term effects, especially for children and young people, and 5) have some, shall we say, quality control issues that have recently been uncovered with the vial contents in terms of foreign material, we at the TSAP hereby resolve to call for an immediate moratorium on all Covid vaccines (or anything claiming to be such) for a minimum of two weeks pending a thorough and independent investigation of the contents of these vials.  To wit:

Manufacturers should clearly welcome such an investigation if they really are on the up and up.  Even if just to "debunk" the "conspiracy theorists" and lift any cloud hanging over their products.  If they balk, it kind of implies otherwise, doesn't it?  If they have nothing to hide, why hide it?

And of course, by definition, ALL mandates, passports, and discrimination relating to these jabs must also be lifted immediately, and permanently, period.  There is obviously ZERO justification now for these measures, and there never really was any.

After the minimum two week moratorium, if they ever decide to resume any of these jabs at all, they should only be resumed for adults at the very highest risk for complications from the virus (over age 70, morbidly obese (i.e. BMI of 35 or higher), and/or severely immuncompromised), or who work in very high-risk jobs, and even then only voluntarily with full and informed consent, ideally in consultation with one's doctor.  But since nearly everyone who is highly vulnerable or working high-risk jobs who truly wanted to receive them already has, any new takers will be very, very few in number.  

Even for those who are high-risk, it is best NOT to resume these jabs for anyone who has already had the virus (whether through previous diagnosis, or current positive antibody or T-cell test results), or anyone who is under 18, pregnant, or planning to become pregnant in the near future.

And a fortiori for children under 12, the next "market" for the industry.  There is NO good reason whatsoever for them to get these jabs, period.  That has to be an absolute bright RED LINE, and if there was ever a hill to die on, this is the one, people!

Additionally, they should also launch an investigation into the vials of other vaccines while we are at it, including, but not limited to, flu shots.  Again, if they have nothing to hide, why hide it?

So what are we waiting for?

UPDATE:  On October 26, 2021, the FDA panel recommended Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer "vaccine" for children ages 5-11.  All of the members of the panel voted yes, except for one coward who abstained.  Not even one person there had the courage to vote no, even though, as one of them said the quiet part out loud, "We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.  That's the way it goes."  Let that sink in.

And we just found yet another damning and incriminating video that will easily be the "smoking gun" to get these jabs off the market completely within a matter of HOURS if the FDA were to actually heed them, followed by legal action against the companies that make then.  Starting with Pfizer, and quickly followed by the others as well.  Anyone with access to a microscope, blood samples, saline, and vials of the "vaccines" can easily replicate them.  On the basis of quality control alone, the obvious questionable foreign material (quite appropriately called "garbage") found in the Pfizer vials in the video is enough to not only take these things off the market, but also break through the EUA liability shield, as this very basic quality control failure becomes a strict liability issue that even Big Pharma is NOT immune from.  Add in the apparent detrimental effects on red blood cells observed under the microscope, not to mention the obvious epic failures of the "vaccines" to live up to the companies' claims in the real world and it is game, set, and match.  Share far and wide!

There also seems to be quite a lot of heterogeneity and variation of adverse effects by lot number of these jabs too.

Oh, and don't forget this video too.  The plot thickens, even thicker than the blood of someone who got the clot shot!

Please be sure to see here for damage control advice.  Stay healthy, everyone!

DECEMBER UPDATE:  Google "died suddenly" and click News.  Then look at the surprisingly young ages of those who died.  Then look at the Google Trends curve for "died suddenly", it practically looks like a hockey stick.  Then look at how the supposed lifesaving effect of the jabs is largely an artifact of deliberately ignoring the first two weeks of data after the first dose (and probably the second and third dose as well), and looking only at virus deaths.  Negative efficacy (by the jabs suppressing the immune system, ironically) in the first two weeks basically pulls forward and front-loads many infections and thus deaths that would have otherwise occurred a bit later, in addition to the jab injury excess deaths on top of it.

JANUARY 2022 UPDATE:  The insurance industry has recently reported a 40% increase in overall death rates among 18-64 year olds in Indiana in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic levels.  That is huge!  Normally, overall death rates don't change anywhere near that much from year to year.  And it was worst in the third and possibly fourth quarters of 2021.  The official press release seems to insinuate that it was the virus that caused all (or nearly all) of the increase, but they are clearly ignoring the massive elephant in the room--the jabs.  And given the timing and the age group, the jabs are the largest and most likely culprit of all.  Notice they didn't compare 2021 (virus and vaccine) specifically with 2020 (virus but no vaccine), as that would have been too obvious, of course.  

If that is not a screaming loud safety signal, the largest in all of recorded history in fact, we really don't know what is!  (Over 1000 studies concur.)

And for those who are still not convinced, the Department of Defense data on death rates in the US military (one of the most vaccinated institutions in the nation, and known for keeping excellent records in general) are also quite disturbing as well.

MARCH UPDATE:  Some may claim that all or nearly all of these excess premature deaths are actually Covid, or perhaps longer-term sequelae of Covid, deaths disguised as non-Covid deaths.  But New Zealand had barely any Covid or flu in 2021, not getting their first real wave in earnest until February 2022.  And yet, they still had excess deaths in the latter half of 2021, coinciding almost perfectly with their extensive "vaccine" rollout.  So either 1) the New Zealand government has been lying through their teeth all along about their Covid numbers, or more likely, 2) the "vaccines" are in fact at least as deadly as the skeptics feared (and, at least for those under age 70 and reasonably healthy, significantly deadlier than the virus itself).  Neither of which is flattering to either Team Vaccine OR Team Zero Covid.

And embalmers in the USA have seen some pretty scary stuff recently as well.  Put it all together and apply Occam's Razor.  The conclusion is obvious.

P.S.  If at this point you still feel that you absolutely must get vaccinated (or boosted) against Covid for whatever reason, at the very least, wait for Novavax!  While the TSAP does NOT actually endorse that one or any other jab, we should note that Novavax seems so far to be safer than the current mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) and DNA/AAV (J&J and AZ) jabs, and at least somewhat more effective against newer variants like Omicron.  And while it still has the spike protein, at least it delivers only a finite amount of it, like a more traditional vaccine would, rather than genes that transfect the body's cells to produce ludicrous amounts of it.  It's very, very telling how the powers that be have not exactly been eager to approve it, while all too eager to not only approve the experimental gene therapies, but force them on the masses and keep doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on them.  (As of February 2022, the WHO has approved Novavax, along with the EU, Canada, and several other counties, but not the USA yet.)

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Cold Turkey Is The Only Way Out

We at the TSAP have said it before, and we will say it again, shouting it from the rooftops.  The ONLY way out of this madness is to go cold turkey from all of these restrictions and mandates.  Period.  And yesterday is not soon enough!

That means, effective immediately:

  • No more lockdowns, hard or soft
  • No more curfews 
  • No more business closures or capacity restrictions (unless voluntarily)
  • No more closures of anything 
  • No more mask mandates, anywhere
  • No bans or restrictions on gatherings or events, public or private
  • No restrictions on places of worship
  • No more travel restrictions, whether international or domestic 
  • All schools fully open, in-person, no antisocial distancing, masks optional
  • All colleges fully open, in-person, no antisocial distancing, masks optional
  • No more mass testing of anyone without symptoms.  Otherwise, use rapid testing first.  For the PCR test, reduce the cycle threshold to 25
  • No more quarantines of anyone without symptoms 
  • No vaccine mandates, coercion, discrimination, or Covid "passports" of any kind, anywhere, period
And never again, no matter how bad it gets.  Really.  The TSAP will accept nothing less than 2019 true normal going forward, with NO more compromises.

And as long as there is no major outbreak locally, hospitals and nursing homes should also return to normal as well 100%.  It is LONG past time to stop denying visitors, and stop artificially and arbitrarily delaying and cancelling so-called "elective" procedures and treatments.  And with the proper early treatment and prophylaxis, hospitals will NOT be overwhelmed anymore than during a typical flu season.  As for the staff, aggressive rapid testing should be done regularly regardless of vaccination status (as vaccinated people can still catch and spread the virus), and preference should be given to staff who are naturally immune because they have already had the virus and recovered (and are thus the very least likely to catch and spread the virus).  That's it.

Heresy, I know.  But it has been nearly two years now, and for better or worse, the virus is here to stay.  It cannot be eradicated at this point, as that train has left the station long ago.  We really only have two choices now and forever:  1) learn to live with the virus, and be honest about it, or 2) learn to live with the virus, and pretend otherwise. 

It has been observed that it is historically extremely rare for any respiratory viral pandemic to last longer than 18 months.  And they seldom have more than two major waves, three tops.  Yet here we are.  So all of our trying in vain to outsmart the virus, and/or hide from it, only served to drag it out that much longer, more painfully, and with out-of-season waves as well.  And plenty of collateral damage on top of all that as well.

This only ends when We the People finally stop complying with these mandates, cold turkey.  Or at least when a critical mass of people do so.  

So what are we waiting for?

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Two Faces Of The Branch Covidians

The Branch Covidian cult is really two cults in one:  Team Zero COVID, and their sometimes-rival, sometimes-ally, Team Vaccine.  They can easily be confused for one another by the uninitiated.  Both vehemently deny natural immunity, deny and dislike the use of early treatment and prophylaxis, grossly exaggerate the risks of the virus particularly to children and young people, and believe that only their own technocratic solutions possibly can save us.  Both reek of authoritarianism no matter how much they deny it.  Both luuurrrve to move the goalposts, cherry-pick data, shift the burden of proof, and indulge in other ridiculous logical fallacies routinely and often disingenuously.  Both have plenty of true believers along with the consummate liars and phonies in charge.  And like doctors and thieves, they both wear masks as part of their uniform (at least when the cameras are rolling).  So far, they seem like they would be natural allies.

But the similarity of the two cults ends with the differences in their eschatology, soteriology, and sometimes even cosmology at times.  Here they go from allies to rivals.  In a nutshell, Team Zero COVID believes that complete global eradication of the virus is not only still possible, but it is the only morally acceptable outcome no matter the cost (as long as someone else pays it), while Team Vaccine believes that while eradication is unlikely, the only way we can learn to live with the virus and go back to something approaching normal is if everyone in the world gets vaccinated as the ultimate endgame. 

And while neither team opposes lockdowns, mask mandates, or vaccine mandates, Team Zero COVID supports the first two the most while Team Vaccine supports the latter the most, even though many prefer a "layered" approach.  Both support achieving their own goals by any means necessary, while individual civil and human rights, economic well-being, overall community well-being, child development, or any other consideration are essentially worth zilch to them.  Even public health itself is to be ruthlessly sacrificed on the altar of the Branch Covidians, insofar is it not directly related to the virus that they slavishly fear so much to the point of idolatry.

It is now becoming very clear that vaccines alone will not eradicate the virus even if 100% of the world gets vaccinated over and over again, as these vaccines are far too "leaky" to do the job.  And there are animal reservoirs as well.  So what about the Zero COVID strategy?  Well, the therapeutic window has closed on that one long ago, as the horse has bolted and the genie is out of the bottle.  The virus SARS-CoV-2 is quickly becoming endemic (if it isn't already) and will be with us forever, no matter how many lockdowns, closures, masks, or vaccines we throw at it.  It will still be here in 2030, 2040, 2050, and beyond.  So we literally have two choices, basically: 1) learn to live with the virus, and be honest about it, or 2) learn to live with the virus, and pretend otherwise. Yes, those are literally the only choices now, regardless of any wishful thinking to the contrary.  And to still pretend otherwise now, after 18 months of clear evidence, is to bear false witness and to worship false idols.

And the best way to defeat both of the two cults is to do what they are doing to the rest of us:  divide-and-conquer.  Play the two faces of them against each other, and refuse to comply with their increasingly insane, draconian, and totalitarian edicts.

Zero COVID is a pipe dream, vaccines are nowhere near as good as advertised, and lockdowns and NPIs are basically useless.  The only thing that actually works, aside from natural herd immunity, is early treatment and prophylaxis.  It's long past time to be honest about that, live our lives, and move on.

Team Reality for the win!

UPDATE:  Now that more and more of the chattering classes and MSM are finally, if grudgingly, coming around to accepting the inevitable endemicity of the virus and learning to live with it, and the mRNA vaccines are clearly crashing through the basement in terms of efficacy, Team Vaccine is basically washed up and is now quickly being absorbed by their very last refuge, Team Zero COVID.  The latter of which seems to be more hysterical than ever lately--and that REALLY says something!--since they know they are on the wrong (and losing) side of history.  They have been trotting out the same old fuzzy math combined with exaggerations, half-truths, and omissions about the supposed unacceptable dystopia that endemic COVID would entail, while in reality the real dystopia would be if TZC actually gets their way.  Look no further than Australia and New Zealand, not to mention China, to see what sort of totalitarian police state would inevitably--and permanently--result sooner or later, and it would still be an exercise in futility in the long run.  Because short of putting all 8 billion people of the world each in solitary confinement indefinitely, which would obviously be unacceptable on humanitarian grounds, it is mathematically impossible for TZC to actually achieve their pipe dream of complete virus eradication.

And now even New Zealand, the crown jewel of the Zero COVID movement, has finally thrown in the towel and abandoned the impossible and Sisyphean goal of eliminating the virus completely.  Delta managed to chin-check them just hard enough to sober them up somewhat.  Unfortunately, lest you think they finally joined Team Reality for good, despite recent easing the Prime Minister noted that they will still have some flavor of lockdown restrictions until they can get a whopping 90% of the eligible population vaccinated, meaning they are squarely part of Team Vaccine for the time being.  They are at 48% of the eligible population already fully vaccinated as of October 5, so that is still a pretty tall order for New Zealand.  In contrast, Team Reality (that is, people like us at the TSAP) would much rather just go cold turkey and simply end all restrictions yesterday and go back to true normal regardless of anything, period, and NOT cajole anyone to get vaccinated.  What better time than now?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The TSAP Denounces Vaccine Mandates

With President Biden's latest disturbing executive orders issued today, we at the TSAP hereby reaffirm our opposition to any vaccine mandates or "passports" or coercion of any kind, period.  As we have noted before, these vaccines are not only experimental (regardless of the recent federal quickie rubber-stamping of the Pfizer vaccine), but they are also revealed to be about as "leaky" as the flu shots, meaning that one can still catch and spread the virus even if fully vaccinated (while natural immunity seems to be far superior).  Either one or both of these two facts (and we have both) is sufficient to demolish the case for any such mandates and passports, since the rug is completely pulled out from under the argument that the vaccines are to "protect others".  Thus, these vaccines are best thought of as a means of self-protection, especially for vulnerable people, and therefore should be strictly voluntary.  You know, kinda like how flu shots have historically been.

And that's before we delve into all of the emerging safety concerns of these vaccines, especially for children, teens, and young adults.  When they ultimately try to force these things on your kids (and they will if we let them), that has to be a real hard red line for We the People, and fast!  If not, the inevitable agony of regret will be the least of our problems. 

If there was ever a hill to die on, this is it!

But on a more fundamental level, it ultimately comes down to the basic human rights of bodily autonomy and integrity.  Seriously, whatever happened to "my body, my choice"?  (Notice how that very concept is under attack in more ways than one these days.)

Imagine it is 2030 now, and you are looking back at what you did or failed to do in 2020 and 2021.  Would you be proud or ashamed of yourself?  When in doubt, ask yourself that question every single day.

UPDATE:  Looks like the ACLU finally broke their silence a few days ago on this very pressing issue--and not in a good way.  They basically reversed their pre-2020 stance against vaccine mandates and coercion, and are now acquiescing to these demands.  Thus, they can now be officially said to have SOLD OUT to the medical-fascist establishment once and for all.  

Also, it seems that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine (and remember, this is the "gold standard" of COVID vaccines, no less) plummets much more rapidly than anyone predicted.  One study in Qatar found that it drops from a peak of 72% (not 95% like originally claimed) down to essentially ZERO infection protection within a mere five months after the second dose, waning slowly at first, and then collapsing all at once.  For severe, critical, or fatal COVID, the effectiveness (fortunately) drops much more gradually from a peak of an actual 95% down to about 72% or so at six months, with very wide variation.

Israeli data for Pfizer are not much better, and their current experience with giving a third booster dose to the masses willy-nilly seems to actually be backfiring and spiking the curve even further (much like what happens during the break-in phase after the first dose), so booster shots are hardly a real solution to the problem of rapidly waning vaccines, except maybe for those folks who are extremely vulnerable or immunocompromised.  For the masses, it would seem that, ironically, the very best booster of all would actually be--wait for it--natural infection with the virus itself, as according to the Israeli data, that provides a whopping 27 times better infection protection than vaccination alone.  In other words, it seems that that the only way to true and robust "herd immunity" was the ultimately inevitable natural infection of healthy people all along.  Just like practically every other pandemic in history.

Meanwhile, these vaccines seem to be "the leading cause of coincidences" these days...

Sunday, August 29, 2021

How To Achieve (Functional) Zero COVID In TWO WEEKS Without Lockdowns, Masks, Or Vaccines (Updated For Delta)

DISCLAIMER:  The following article references third-party sources and is intended for general information only, and is NOT intended to provide medical advice or otherwise diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, including (but not limited to) COVID-19.  Consult a qualified physician before beginning any sort of treatment or prophylactic regimen and/or if you know or suspect that you currently have COVID-19.  Anyone who takes or does anything mentioned (or alluded to) in this or any other TSAP article does so entirely at their own risk and liability.  The TSAP thus makes absolutely no warranties, express or implied, and is not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from any act or omission on the part of the reader(s) or others. Caveat lector.

See also our previous articles herehereand here as well.  Also, special thanks to Bill Sardi, Dr. Gareth "Gruff" Davies, Dr. Dmitry Kats, Dr. Mikko Panunio, and Swiss Policy Research, et al. whose research this article draws upon and cites in the links throughout.

(Editor's Note:  The TSAP currently accepts that SARS-CoV-2 is essentially an endemic virus at this point and will be pretty much forever, and will eventually become the new common cold.  We use the term "Zero COVID" only in a very loose, relative, and temporary sense, as true and permanent eradication is no longer possible going forward.  Rather, it's functional Zero COVID.)

It's now nearly September 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic is now a year and a half old, and it looks like it the vaccines are not all they are cracked up to be.  In the USA and other wealthy countries, vaccination rates are already quite high and growing, and when combined with the at least 30% of the American population (estimated as high as 50-70% in North and South Dakota, and of course New York and New Jersey) that is estimated to have already been infected with the virus (often without even realizing it), even before Delta came on the scene, "herd immunity" has most likely already been achieved even when using the naive definition that assumes a homogeneous population.  That does not eradicate the virus, of course, but it does keep it from exploding again in the future.  Well, immunity from natural infection sure does that.  These "leaky" vaccines, at least as "leaky" as flu shots, well, not so much.

Israel has essentially become the world's largest study of the vaccines, particularly Pfizer, and the results have been rather disappointing to say the least.  The same goes for their lockdowns, masks, and NPIs as well.  And if you think boosters are the solution, well, we've got a nice bridge we'd like to sell you. 

The "Zero COVID" movement has clearly been wrong about being able to eradicate the virus using lockdowns, masks, or other non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), as that train has clearly left the station long ago.  Even the best vaccines are unlikely to do it completely either.  Rather, what would be needed is 1) a quick silver-bullet cure for existing cases, and/or especially 2) a 100% prophylaxis (or very nearly so) that is readily available to all.  That would be powerful enough reduce the R value to well below 0.5, which seems to be the barrier below which no NPIs, even extreme lockdowns, are able push it for very long (unless done extremely early, along with border closures AND extremely good luck), yet that is the level where we would actually have a chance at beating the virus for good.  Otherwise, it just keeps popping back up, leading to an "epidemic yo-yo".

So what would this secret sauce be? Well, as we noted before in previous articles, Dr. Dmitry Kats knows it:


That's right, Niacin (nicotinic acid, or Vitamin B3), in high doses would do the trick, practically overnight:

Dr. Kats himself even did an RCT, in fact:

And given how one "generation" of this virus is roughly two weeks, if nearly everyone were to follow this protocol whether they currently have COVID or not, the virus could conceivably be "eradicated" in as little as two weeks! Assuming Dr. Kats is correct about it being a virtually 100% prophylaxis, if done by at least 90% of the population for a mere two weeks, the R value would drop far too low for the virus to have any sort of chance at sustaining itself even in a totally COVID-naive and unvaccinated population.

Don't fear the flush!  It is a feature, not a bug!

Oh, and Dr. Kats knew this since MARCH 2020 and was trying to tell the world, but the ghouls in charge kept on censoring him.  Gee, I wonder why?  

Because their whole diabolical racket would collapse overnight, of course.  DUH!

(And it even works for long-haulers too!  Within a matter of days to no more than a few weeks for the worst cases.  Taking it while still acute, of course, would by definition nip it in the bud even sooner.)

Adding Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Zinc, Quercetin, Thiamine, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin K, NAC, and the amino acid Lysine would also help greatly as well, but the real rockstar here is Niacin, as immediate-release nicotinic acid.  As is the latest rising star, Melatonin as well.

For Vitamin D, nearly everyone taking 50,000 units once weekly for two weeks, followed by 50,000 units once every two weeks until week six, would likely be enough alone to greatly reduce death and severe illness rates within two weeks, and can even end the pandemic in as little as six weeks.  Add 500-1000 mg/day of Niacin, plus the other nutrients, and you've got a belt-and-suspenders approach to eradication.

Throw in a little help from Mother Nature, given the seasonality of this virus (which is effectively "out of season" now in the northern temperate zone until well into the fall), and we basically got it made now.

And the best part of all:  we can go 100% back to normal on literally DAY ONE!  Yes, really.

So what are we waiting for?  

(And while we're at it, let these vitamins and minerals be among the very first things we send over to countries like India.  Apparently, 70-90% of Indians are suprisingly Vitamin D deficient to one degree or another--and that was before the pandemic.)

UPDATES:  We have decided after writing this article to give an honorable mention to another promising addition to our arsenal against the virus, namely C60 (Carbon 60, aka Buckminsterfullerene or Buckyball). It is believed to be up to 270 times more potent than Vitamin C in terms of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immune-boosting power, and is also considered to be a good detox and anti-aging compound as well.  Worth the old college try.

Also, note that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is now recommended by Dr. Kats in addition to niacin and the others.  Though it is probably still best to wait at least three hours between them to avoid interference, much like waiting six hours between NAC and resveratrol.  Bill Sardi also recommends it as well, as it seems to work well against COVID and various other ailments as well.  NAC not only raises T-cell levels, but also seems to disrupt the virus' key spike protein, and even more so when combined with the enzyme bromelain (from pineapples, and which is often found in quercetin supplements as an activator as well). No wonder the FDA is actually trying to ban it on essentially the same specious, spurious, and utterly pharisaical grounds they have been trying to ban CBD (cannabidiol) with for years--their Big Pharma masters feel utterly threatened by it.

Another thing Bill Sardi noted recently:  the latest (clearly rigged) study that appeared to cast doubt on Vitamin C has basically been refuted upon closer examination.  Thus, not only should Vitamin C (in high enough doses, and most importantly, taken frequently enough) be back on the menu, it never should have been off in the first place.  

Dr. Kats recommends taking it in a 2:1 ratio of Vitamin C to Niacin.  He also recommends taking both Niacin (nicotinic acid) and Niacinamide (nicotinamide) in equal amounts as well.  And he later added melatonin to his protocol as well, especially for long-haulers.  Apparently, the virus' messing around with tryptophan metabolism depletes not only NAD (which Niacin and Niacinamide are both precursors for), but also endogenous melatonin as well. Such depletion is very bad, but fortunately can be quickly easily corrected with supplements to restore health by jump-starting the body's natural processes.

Back to Vitamin D, there is an interesting theory from 2008 that the variation of the levels of this nutrient may explain not only the apparent Hope-Simpson seasonality of influenza, but also the tendency of some individuals to be what we would now call "superspreaders" as well, with or without symptoms.  The parallels with COVID are quite intriguing, and it seems Vitamin D would reduce not only deaths and serious illnesses, but also transmission as well.

And let's not forget Ivermectin as well, as both treatment and prophylaxis, which has practically become "the new penicillin" and "the drug that cracked COVID" in so many countries.  Budesonide is another successful and underrated early treatment as well.  And for any cases that still manage to become or remain severe or critical, there is always the rest of the MATH+ Protocol to fall back on, per the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

Ivermectin's mechanism of action is manifold, and includes binding/blocking the viral spike protein from docking onto/into our cells, as well as blocking a key enzyme needed for viral replication.  Again, one should note that NAC also works by targeting the spike protein as well, and it was recently reported in a German study that dandelion extract can also block the spike protein (at least in vitro.)  Resveratrol (from grapes) also appears to neutralize the spike protein, though again it is best to take NAC and resveratrol at least six hours apart to avoid any mutual antagonism. 

As for prophylactic nasal sprays, some are in development as we speak, though not yet commercially available.  Until then, fortunately there is already one that is likely to block the virus while yielding additional health benefits in the meantime.  It is called Xlear, a natural, drug-free saline nasal spray with xylitol and grapefruit seed extract.  Additionally, there is another one called Betadine, which contains carrageenan (from seaweed), that also apparently has a good antiviral effect as well.

And finally, stop all the funny business with the way cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are counted as well, including the ridiculously high cycle threshold for the PCR testing (should be set no higher than 30, or perhaps even 25, instead of the ridiculous 37-40+ in many places still) along with the routine testing of people without any symptoms in the community.  And no more double standards either:  use the same cycle threshold and definitions for vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike, period.  If you feel you absolutely must test asymptomatic people, go with the rapid test first, and only use PCR as confirmation if positive.  The "casedemic" is a big chunk of the overall pandemic, if not the vast majority of it currently.  Problem solved. 

UPDATE OF UPDATE:  Ivermectin (and even HCQ to an extent) actually works when used properly under the guidance of a qualified physician, but it should go without saying, DO NOT use any sort of veterinary medications, especially ones designed for horses!  Just like you should NOT drink fish tank cleaner either, unless of course you really want to earn a Darwin Award.  Yes, people actually have done both in the USA.  And the fact that anyone would consider resorting to that shows just how terrible our government's pandemic response has been overall.

Additionally, see here for further lifesaving tips from Bill Sardi as well if you think you may have COVID.  He also points out the usefulness of another supplement, beta-glucan which comes from yeast, which helps to train the immune system's T-cells.  And don't forget fisetin (from strawberries) either, a polyphenol similar to quercetin and resveratrol.

And the Swiss Doctor recently updated their early treatment protocol to include the herb artemisia as well as the amino acid arginine.  Yes, you read that last one correctly, and it is quite a jarring plot twist since the conventional wisdom is that arginine is what all viruses need in order to replicate and that lysine (which blocks arginine) is what one should be aiming for while cutting back on arginine.  That, along with zinc, has long been a mainstay for how to treat things like herpes and cold sores, for example.  But even though a previous study shows a clear benefit to lysine in regards to COVID, the latest research now shows an apparent benefit to arginine, go figure.  That seems to be true for both early treatment as well as for hospitalized patients.  Perhaps the two amino acids are like yin and yang in relation to the virus somehow?  Also, the Ivermectin controversy continues to heat up, with the Swiss Doctor starting to sour on relying on it alone.  Mouthwashes and nasal sprays also continue to be recommended too, as they have been for some time.

Don't forget Dr. Zelenko either.  Words of wisdom.

Back to Ivermectin, as David DeGraw notes, it is best when combined with zinc and perhaps doxycycline (an antibiotic) as well for a synergistic effect, as we at the TSAP have long advocated since Karl Denninger first pointed that out back in February 2021.  That may very well be why some studies have shown disappointing results while others have shown glowing results, much like we have seen with HCQ.

And some research even suggests that plain old genuine aspirin (not Tylenol) can cut the risk of COVID death by nearly half.  Be sure to take plenty of Vitamin C with it though, as aspirin can deplete one's Vitamin C.

Finally, to the extent that they even suppress viruses at all, NPIs and antisocial distancing are counterproductive for yet another reason:  the common cold.  Interestingly, due to competition, the common rhinovirus can actually boot out the COVID virus when one gets exposed to both viruses at or around the same time.  So when the former retreats, the latter advances.  Just like influenza appears to have been temporarily suppressed by COVID.

So what are we waiting for?

Saturday, August 7, 2021

And So We Learn Just How "Leaky" These Vaccines Really Are

The latest data out of the UK, where nearly all new COVID cases have been the Delta variant (albeit notably recently plummeting despite lifting restrictions), illustrate in real time just how "leaky" these vaccines really are in practice:  they are, on average, as low as 17% effective against preventing infection, while 77% effective against preventing death from COVID.  Granted, these data also include the less effective AstraZeneca/Oxford and J&J vaccines along with the more effective Pfizer and Moderna ones, but data from Israel (essentially the world's largest vaccine study) in which nearly all vaccinations have been Pfizer have also been kinda disappointing as well:  16-75% protection against infection (and waning over time), 80% protection against serious illness, and 90% protection against death.  And what's true for Pfizer would also be true for Moderna as well, given how they are both essentially the same vaccine.

Compare this to the annual flu vaccines:  for protection against infection, it is as high as 60% effective if a good match and as low as 10% effective if a bad match for whatever virus variants happen to be dominant at a given time, averaging 40-50%.  Yet against serious illness and death, it is generally in the 80-90% range.  Thus, the COVID vaccines appear to be about as "leaky" as flu shots, which were also originally claimed to be 70-90% effective when first developed.  And as we clearly know, if you can still catch a virus, you can also spread it as well.

In fact, the real kicker from the latest British data is that there is really no significant difference in viral load (and thus infectiousness) between vaccinated and unvaccinated people who contract the virus, as evidenced in the fact that they had similar cycle threshold (Ct) levels in PCR testing.  In other words, vaccinated people may be at least somewhat less likely to contract the virus in the first place, but when they do happen to catch it, they are likely just as contagious as if they were not vaccinated.

Let that sink in for a moment.  Oops, maybe the technocrats should have thought that one through!

The implications of this data are quite stark and resounding indeed.  We can thus conclude:
  • These vaccines are NOT the silver bullet that so many had hoped for, and putting all of our eggs into that one basket (at the expense of early treatment and prophylaxis like Ivermectin, HCQ, and budesonide, along with various vitamins and other nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Niacin, Thiamine, Zinc, Selenium, Quercetin, Resveratrol, NAC, and the amino acid Lysine) was the very height of foolishness at best.  Some would even call it mass murder for profit!
  • These vaccines are NOT fit for purpose if the goal is to stop all infections, but might still be fit for purpose if the goal is to protect the vulnerable members of society from serious illness and death.  And by now, they all have either 1) been vaccinated or 2) chose not to receive it, making that purpose largely academic now in nearly all rich countries, who thus now have a moral duty to freely share these now-abundant vaccines and their patents with poorer countries for all who want it, as there are of course plenty of vulnerable people there too.  (As they should have done many months ago, but for corporate greed of Big Pharma.)
  • These vaccines are mainly for self-protection, while any protection of the community is at best a bonus.  Any argument to the contrary is essentially a specious and spurious argument.
  • These vaccines do NOT prevent the evolution or dominance of new virus variants either.  Anyone who still thinks so needs their head examined.
  • There is ZERO benefit to public health from forcing or coercing people to get these vaccines, restriction of rights for the unvaccinated, and/or segregating the vaccinated and unvaccinated.  And there is ZERO justification for such.
  • If masks actually worked as source control, there would perhaps be some justification for requiring both vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike to wear them in certain high-risk indoor settings when community spread is at "substantial" or "high" levels, per the CDC.
  • But since there is still really no hard evidence that surgical or cloth masks actually work meaningfully as source control at the macro level, even after a year and a half of data, that specious justification also collapses as well.  They sure didn't work in 1918, and they don't work now.  Rather, we should instead simply recommend (not require) vulnerable adults to correctly wear N95 (or greater) masks, which are now nearly as available and abundant as toothpicks, in such high-risk settings for self-protection.  (See a pattern here?)
  • When the proverbial fat lady finally sings, it would NOT be because of vaccines, but rather primarily from herd immunity via natural infection, along with perhaps attenuation (weakening) of the virus itself.  In other words, just like every other flu or flu-like pandemic and epidemic in recorded history, essentially. 
  • The Great Barrington Declaration, along with its sister organization PANDA, were therefore quite right all along, by simply following the hard-won wisdom of the ages, and we were very foolish not to listen.  We clearly have paid, and will still continue to pay, a very heavy price for our collective foolishness and hubris.
Thus, while the TSAP has always opposed forcing or coercing anyone to get these vaccines, our opposition applies a fortiori given how leaky these vaccines have turned out to be.  Not only are slopes slipperier than they appear in terms of civil and human rights, and the long-term safety of these vaccines remains unknown, but there is also an even darker reason as well not to vaccinate everybody and their mother.  If nearly everyone received these leaky vaccines, the virus would continue to spread largely under the radar, and by putting strong selective pressure on the virus while reducing symptoms, it will increase the chance that the virus will select for or mutate into more deadly variants, rather than merely more contagious but less deadly ones as would occur naturally in the absence of mass vaccination.  This is not just theory, it has actually happened before with Marek's disease in chickens, as Karl Denninger has pointed out.  And it is likely the unstated reason why we have historically NOT forced or coerced everyone to get flu shots.  Ironically, for such leaky vaccines, we would actually need a chunk of the population to remain unvaccinated, in order to be a firebreak against such deadly variants.  Hopefully we will NOT foolishly end up pulling the proverbial "black ball from the urn" in that regard and get a truly super-deadly plague that really wipes out the population!

And it should go without saying that all this applies a fortiori to children, who are statistically at less risk from COVID than they are from the flu (as well as car accidents), and are likely at more risk from the vaccines than from the virus (even if we don't know for certain yet).  And unlike the flu, children are NOT superspreaders of COVID either, and are far more likely to catch it from adults than the other way around.  Forcing or coercing these largely untested vaccines on them is basically criminal at this juncture, and the precautionary principle certainly applies here.  If there was ever a hill to die on, this is the one!

For children and young people under 16, and especially under 12 (!), we should consider all of these COVID vaccines to be absolutely contraindicated until proven otherwise.  (Originally we said under 18, but alas that genie is out of the bottle now in the USA.)  And for everyone else, they should be strictly voluntary without even a hint of coercion.

In other words, to the extent that it even is a pandemic anymore, it is quickly becoming a pandemic of the vaccinated.  And all of these mandates and restrictions are worse than useless, from lockdowns to masks to antisocial distancing to now vaccine mandates and passports as well.  All the more reason to end all of these mandates and restrictions, and yesterday is not soon enough!

Leaky vaccines + leaky masks + leaky lockdowns = illusion of control (at best).  Don't fall for it!

UPDATE:  We just came across this, maybe a bit hyperbolic, but still largely correct overall.  We are actually pretty damn lucky that all we got from this was Delta so far.  We know Delta is more contagious and it has a partial escape mutation, which is bad, but at least it's NOT a more deadly variant--yet, that is.  In fact, it actually seems to be LESS deadly than previous strains.  But the next mutation may not leave us so lucky next time.  If this increasingly endemic virus does hopefully continue its long-term trend towards becoming the new common cold (that is, becoming more contagious but less deadly overtime), it would certainly be NO THANKS to these leaky vaccines!

And if, God forbid, we ever do get a "doomsday variant", it would NOT be because we undervaccinated with a good vaccine, but rather because we overvaccinated with a leaky vaccine.