Saturday, January 1, 2022

It's 2022, And The Official Narrative Is Now Completely Laid Waste

Beginning in November 2021, and accelerating at warp speed in the latter half of December, the official narrative is collapsing faster than formerly healthy young athletes on the field after being injected with the experimental jabs.  From increasingly obvious "vaccine" and NPI failures (and harms) to the milder but more contagious Omicron to new (and rediscovered) treatments to the "experts" contradicting each other out of utter desperation, the narrative has now been completely laid waste.  Few people really believe in it anymore, and the few true believers have lost nearly all clout now.  More and more people are waking up, questioning, and resisting.  And for everyone else, conformity has become little more than ritualism, that is, merely going through the motions.  This is becoming the case all over the world, but particularly true in the USA.

Like rats deserting a sinking ship, the purveyors of the narrative are scrambling and falling over themselves to abandon it, even as they desperately cling to as much as they can hope to attempt to salvage in order to publicly save face for as long as they can.  It's really quite pathetic at this point. 

Keep holding the line, and DO NOT COMPLY.  We simply cannot meet tyranny or insanity in the middle, as we have learned the hard way.  We must demand 2019 normal or bust, period.  The Overton window has been cracked open, and victory for liberty is now finally within reach.  So let's not squander it!

The oligarchs have bitten off far more than they could ever possibly chew.  And now they are choking on it as we speak.  And thanks in part to Omicron, we are now finally (and ironically) reaching the heretofore elusive "herd immunity" that was 1) promised by leaky experimental "vaccines" that failed to deliver, and 2) delayed via lockdowns and NPIs (to the extent they had any effect at all on viral spread) from occurring the natural way.  In other words, Covid is evolving into the new common cold, and the inevitable (and long overdue) transition from pandemic to endemic is now finally under way.

And most importantly, we are now learning the crucial difference between power and force.  And good ideas do NOT require force.  "Power within" and "power with and through" always wins against "power over" (aka force) in the long run, God willing.


  1. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel & we're almost there? I hope so. We have been under seige now for almost two years, I am mentally exhausted from my mind facing all this. And I am one of the LUCKY ones, I can imagine what those feel who have lost their businesses or jobs & don't know how they will survive - this is what the Patriarchy has brought us to. So if their narrative has fallen apart, if people en masse no longer believe them, then this makes me REAL HAPPY. My frustration is that most of the random people I spoke to believed the lies, fell for them, fell into the trap. I hope their statistics are wrong like they said about 62% of our population got jabbed? I hope they were exaggerating like they exaggerated about Covid deaths - they probably made them many times more than actually happened {due to Covid but I know due to the jabs there were many} So anyway, our good God is IN CHARGE. No lie can live forever & demons cannot win in the end. Thanks for the hope.

    1. Thank you very much, Rasa, and you're very welcome. That is indeed how it is looking now, and now we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Last time I said that in February/March 2021, of course, that proverbial light turned out to be an oncoming train, lol. But that was a very temporary victory for them, and it has completely backfired on them now. The oligarchs have won so many battles, but know this, WE ultimately will win the WAR, God willing. And so it is.

  2. And also my heart goes out to all the innocent, unknowing people who got the jabs. That's another factor I'm lucky about, some are not. Thank God I have always had the greatest suspicion of the govts of the world whoever they are. This is PATRIARCHY & the work of the devil. To trust Patriarchs is to trust Satan. And yes, he's got many fooled. The world is not beautiful when they wield power ovr us - it becomes a quasi Hell. When they lose their power it's such a relief. God protect us all! And God, vanquish them fast! Matriarchy is Mother God taking back the planet.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I take note of global warming, saw a documentary on it last night. Jesus said his return is when 'you can't tell the summers from the winters.' What is his return? It's not his physical body, it's his SPIRIT. What is his spirit? It is LOVE. What society personifies love? MATRIARCHY. By this I know Matriarchy in evolutionary terms is just around the corner. They say it's the ARCTIC melt down, which is the center of global warming. {I think the said Arctic, not Antarctic} - I think it's the North Pole, not the South Pole, where the ice is ONE MILE THICK! {That's where those amazing King Penguins dwell!} So we have much to look forward to for our civilization although we'll all be dead when it happens, the friends of God will be watching from Heaven.
