Monday, March 14, 2022

Behold, The Millennial Remover

Two years ago at the start of the pandemic, the COVID-19 virus was very tastelessly nicknamed the "Boomer Remover" giving how age-stratified the death rates were already known to be, thus disproportionately killing Baby Boomers.  And now, two years later, there is now apparently a "Millennial Remover" in town these days, and this time it's not a virus.  Rather, it's a group of novel experimental gene therapy jabs masquerading as "vaccines" that have been imposed by force, coercion, and/or blatant fraud on millions of people.  And the victims are disproportionately young, including children, teens, and younger adults, as well as older adults too.

First, Google "died suddenly" and click News.  Then look at the surprisingly young ages of those who died.  Then look at the Google Trends curve for "died suddenly", it practically looks like a hockey stick from Q3 of 2021 onwards.  Then look at how the supposed lifesaving effect of the jabs is largely an artifact of deliberately ignoring the first two weeks of data after the first dose (and probably the second and third dose as well), and looking only at virus deaths.  Negative efficacy (by the jabs suppressing the immune system, ironically) in the first two weeks basically pulls forward and front-loads many infections and thus deaths that would have otherwise occurred a bit later, in addition to the jab injury excess deaths on top of it.

As Steve Kirsch has noted, the insurance industry has recently reported a 40% increase in overall death rates among 18-64 year olds in Indiana in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic levels.  That is huge!  Normally, overall death rates don't change anywhere near that much from year to year.  And it was worst in the third and possibly fourth quarters of 2021.  The official press release seems to insinuate that it was the virus that caused all (or nearly all) of the increase, but they are clearly ignoring the massive elephant in the room--the jabs.  And given the timing and the age group, the jabs are the largest and most likely culprit of all.  Notice they didn't compare 2021 (virus and vaccine) specifically with 2020 (virus but no vaccine), as that would have been too obvious, of course.  

If that is not a screaming loud safety signal, the largest in all of recorded history in fact, we really don't know what is!  (Over 1000 studies concur.)

Looking closer, we can see the age group 25-44 year olds (i.e. Millennials) are seeing an 84% excess death rate now, as Edward Dowd has pointed out.  This is the worst excess mortality seen in modern history!  If not the jabs, what else could it possibly be?  We didn't see anywhere near this kind of excess among people that young in 2020 or even early 2021, so blaming it on the virus (or even its sequelae) rings hollow.

And for those who are still not convinced, the Department of Defense data on death rates in the US military (one of the most vaccinated institutions in the nation, and known for keeping excellent records in general) are also quite disturbing as well.

Keep in mind that these deaths are, of course the very tip of a very large iceberg of jab injury.  Many more have yet to be uncovered, and many many more people, of course have been maimed by these jabs, sometimes likely permanently.

Some may still speciously claim that all or nearly all of these excess premature deaths are actually Covid, or perhaps longer-term sequelae of Covid, deaths disguised as non-Covid deaths.  But New Zealand had barely any Covid or flu in 2021, not getting their first real wave in earnest until February 2022.  And yet, they still had excess deaths in the latter half of 2021, coinciding almost perfectly with their extensive "vaccine" rollout.  So either 1) the New Zealand government has been lying through their teeth all along about their Covid numbers, or more likely, 2) the "vaccines" are in fact at least as deadly as the skeptics feared (and, at least for those under age 70 and reasonably healthy, significantly deadlier than the virus itself).  Neither of which is very flattering at all to either Team Vaccine OR Team Zero Covid.  

And embalmers in the USA have seen some pretty scary stuff recently as well.  Put it all together and apply Occam's Razor.  The conclusion is obvious.

Not only do all mandates need to end, but these jabs must be taken off the market, and yesterday is NOT soon enough!  And the liability shield of the manufacturers must be revoked for fraud, and let the trials begin.  Nuremberg 2.0, here we come!

UPDATE:  See the latest deep dive here, about just how increasingly impossible-to-ignore the jab injury death toll is becoming now.  No wonder the purveyors of these jabs are rushing for the exits as we speak now.

A new study finally admits that mRNA jabs (Pfizer and Moderna), not just the DNA/AAV ones (J&J and AstraZeneca), can cause fatal blood clots.

And yet more proof that pretty much any studies that make the jabs look "safe and effective" are rigged.

JULY UPDATE:  Even more excess deaths in New Zealand were seen again in January and February 2022, during and after the booster rollout, but crucially beginning before Omicron had established itself in that country and while virus prevalence was still quite low.  Then, of course, Omicron predictably exploded in late January and February after finally breaching Fortress New Zealand.  But the timing of these excess deaths suggests they are primarily jab-related rather than virus-related, as any Omicron death wave would not have even been noticeable until March given the typical lag of three to four weeks.  And while NZ's Omicron wave was less deadly than Hong Kong's and South Korea's, one is left to wonder if that was only because one cannot die twice.

Speaking of South Korea, one can observe that their cumulative excess death rate was equivalent to Sweden's.  Only difference was that most of the former's excess deaths occurred after the jabs, rather than before as in the latter's case.  Oh, and by the way, the same can be said about Denmark in terms of cumulative excess deaths as well.  So it looks like those favorite cherry-picked Nordic comparisons did NOT age well at all, as they no longer show Sweden as an outlier in a bad way anymore, but rather show Norway as the real global outlier in a good way.  And if you include their Baltic neighbors in the comparison, then Sweden was never even an outlier at all except perhaps briefly in the first wave.


  1. The U.S is a country of inverted totalitarianism. Corporations dictate to the federal and state government which laws and rules those Corporations want implemented. Since the Corporations wanted vaccine mandates to supposedly return to economic normalcy, the Corporations got what they wanted. Vaccine mandates by companies, mask mandates and social distancing requirements were transferred by Corporations to society at large. Without a government overseen by libertarians, government becomes totalitarianism. This federal government won't tell the truth about vaccines because Corporations won't allow the government to do so. This is the type of tyranny which the Founding Fathers warned about. It is not only government which van become an enemy, but Corporations as well.

  2. The stats are in & we know what they have done & will continue to do. The Medieval days had nothing on us, we're just more sophisticated in our murders. Instead of drawing & quartering, instead of the Iron maiden, we have the gas chambers & injections & ways to destroy the economic system where people starve to death. There is only one answer, replace Patriarchy with Matriarchy, fight for that & eventualy the world will move to sanity & peace.

  3. Amen to that, Rasa! Very well-said indeed.
