Saturday, November 23, 2024

Was The Election Hacked? Maybe

DISCLAIMER:  (*holds nose while typing this*) All people named in the following article and comments shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty.  

(H/T to Rachel Donald, whose Substack article on the same topic I am citing for this article below.)

There is a theory making the rounds lately online, namely, that the 2024 presidential election was allegedly hacked in favor of Trump, presumably by his buddy Elon Musk.  In fact, some cybersecurity experts agree, and have sounded the alarm in that regard.  And there are indeed some notable irregularities that have been observed.

First of all, the very fact that Trump won ALL SEVEN swing states in itself strains credulity, seeing as how historically unusual that is.  Such a massive sweep should ring alarm bells as too good to be true.

But the most crucial issue this time is the unusually high percentage of "bullet ballots", that is, ballots in which the president section was filled out but the rest of the ballot was left blank.  Typically, including in the last two presidential elections, that percentage hovers around 1% or less.  And in the non-swing states, that same pattern remained true.  But in the seven swing states, the "bullet ballot" percentage greatly exceeded that (often off the charts) for Trump ballots, with the highest being 11% in North Carolina.  And the biggest tell of all:  it wasn't evenly distributed either, but rather heavily concentrated in only some localities.

(Voting only for president and nothing else, especially in a year where hot-button issues were on the ballot as initiatives and referenda in several states, is anomalous to say the least.  And that it would occur so unevenly skewed and off the charts is suspicious.)

In other words, it sure seems like something is rotten in the states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. 

I smell a (Musk) rat.  There are a number of ways in which such an alleged hack could have happened, and all were indeed possible.  Either way, it looks likely that a non-trivial number of Trump ballots may very well never have even existed at all.

No wonder Trump, Musk, and the rest of the insiders in their orbit were so smug in the days and weeks leading up to the election, let alone afterwards:  they must have known on some level that the fix was in. 

All of this can be very easily debunked, of course, if a hand recount was done in all seven swing states.  But of course, neither Musk nor Trump nor anyone in their orbit will allow that.  Since the totals were just above the margin where such a recount would be required by law, no one will do it unless the Democrats (or others) fight for it. And unfortunately, we all know that most people are too lazy and chickenshit to do it, especially against the richest person in the world and his orange menace buddy, both of whom are known to be very spiteful. 

Indeed, Musk himself threatened to use the "Hammer of Justice" against those who spread such a theory in a post on his very own social media platform, X (formerly Twitter).  Natch.  Is that a promise, Elon?

True, there is no actual proof, not yet.  And we shouldn't pretend there is.  But the evidence thus far is highly suggestive that something isn't quite right with the numbers, and thus all the more reason to investigate, even if only to put this all to rest.

FINAL THOUGHT:  I will concede that this outcome, cheating or not, would not have even been possible at all in anything even approaching a healthy society.  Granted.  And yes, the mainstream Dems leave a LOT to be desired, to put it nicely.  But the Substack article, and the cybersecurity experts that the author cites, still make excellent points.  I still smell a Musk rat.